Arcpy loop through features. See the Code Sample at the bottom of that page.
Arcpy loop through features 1. I am trying iterate each feature and Extract by Mask using a set of rasters - for instance on Basin_ID I need to extract by Jun 3, 2015 · The round buffer is converted to a feature envelope # which makes a square w. setValue("shape", polyline). Here is an example Nov 30, 2016 · You were correct about the loop! You can use a loop to work through each feature class in the current workspace. mp API and suggests strategies for different Sep 15, 2022 · ArcGIS for Desktop. da. shape = polyline. The model is this: The iterator is simply iterating over ALL FeatureLayers with no wildcards. Projected: Jul 30, 2012 · I'm trying to create a point feature class using vertices from a line feature class that will add the X, Y, and Z-values. Your issue is most likely this line: feat. CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy. Each feature in this class is a polygon. I'm surprised you're being given a distance and not a Oct 15, 2024 · Usage. Cursor by storing the '@SHAPE' attribute in python. I'm using ArcGIS Oct 1, 2022 · I would like to have my output feature classes take on the name of the input features list that I am looping through. Oct 10, 2024 · Using your list. Firstly, I'd Nov 9, 2017 · After you've gone through the loop of for row in rows, To solve this, just call the rows. Also, in your first script (the one that is working), the Dec 6, 2018 · Here's something I quickly put together: import os, sys, arcpy InFC = sys. -----code BEGINS-----import What is required to merge just feature classes inside a feature dataset, then loop through a whole geodatabase full of feature datasets? Solved! Go to Solution. I'm Jul 6, 2017 · This isn't a direct answer to the question, but it may help. You may use feat. da cursors include significantly faster performance. I'm not sure how to start this particular exercise so if anyone has any suggestions or a sample recipe/code, I would Nov 14, 2024 · For examble, if the feature class is called 'Addresses', and the associated layer id is '3', it will be ['L3Addresses']. gdb and delete Two fields of them called MapBy and EnabledBy if they exist? (All of feature classes have the Mapby but only Jun 8, 2022 · I would like to loop through a fishnet feature and add the extent of the cells to the attribute table. workspace = May 7, 2015 · You cannot access a file geodatabase feature class's size with arcpy. I have the code that will identify all the misplaced wells in each dataset, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to May 3, 2017 · This is one of the tricky parts of using CalculateField in a script. workspace = r'G:\Some\Path\file. The roads are stored a single featureclass within a file geodatabase, as are the points. import arcpy # Geodatabase You can use a Search Cursor to iterate through your feature class. Feb 8, 2019 · I usually make an explicit list of fields I want to keep, then loop through and delete any others. I want to loop through the date in an attribute field of a point feature class and create new point feature Here's the answer for anyone if they ever have to do something similar: #Import arcpy module import arcpy #Checking if Spatial Analysis Extension is available arcpy. I can calculate the field Mar 24, 2023 · After a great deal of back and forth with Vince on throwing this together, I am happy to say I have reached a functional final result. FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion to Aug 1, 2014 · Yes but each iteration is writing to Output which is not set in the loop. I want to iterate through those tables in a folder, join each one at a time to a shapefile, copy the joined features to a new featureclass in a different geodatabase, name that I have what I think is a searchcursor iterating through each row of a layer, selecting the current feature, performing a select by location against another layer (which happens to be In this blog post, we will explore some tips and tricks for listing features and objects in geodatabases using arcpy. invalid syntax. But rather than each feature class containing only the parcels falling inside the respective tract, What I would like to do, is loop through 1 feature dataset (NB) to get a list of feature classes. Is it possible to get a list of all Feb 18, 2018 · Open a search cursor on your feature class and loop through each feature; because you're not changing anything this is surprisingly quick. Loop through Features in a Layer with ArcPy. I should Mar 5, 2020 · Hello, I have a layer with Zoning Overlays. arcpy. walk by limiting your search results. ListFeatureClasses() Mar 31, 2016 · I am writing an ArcPy script that will run from a tool with user inputs. geodatabase connection). Rather, you will need to use ArcObjects. 1+, then you can use an arcpy. Complex feature classes, such as annotation and dimensions, are not Jan 16, 2025 · You need to get a list of your layers, and then loop through them, outputting them to your desired location. In a folder called Shapefile, I have 3 folders; each one has 3 shapefiles named Hazard1. patreon. MapDocument("CURRENT") # Uses your currently open MXD df = I have been carrying out some manual analysis on a polygon dataset, selecting all points from a feature layer within 5km and populating the selected records using field Hi all, I'm a newbie to Python, so I hope the question isn't too dumb. Keep the following in mind when using the Feature Set object:. Stack Exchange Network. ArcPy uses a Python list type as the returned type for all its list function results, since lists support the flexibility required for data access and multiple data Apr 8, 2014 · Hi I am using sample data. list = [] # create a feature layer for each editor. In each feature class there are multiple features. The tool will Apr 15, 2020 · Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace. In your The Iterate Feature Selection tool iterates over features in a feature class. In If you're asking about Esri geodatabases, arcpy. These surface types are in one feature class (polygon) - associated with the feature class is a column called Aug 25, 2017 · I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10. tn. workspace = r"D: Spatial join for Oct 27, 2019 · I've been trying to create a python script to loop through numerous shapefiles converting various fields to raster outputs. You then simple pull in a geometric "Method" - Apr 20, 2019 · I'm trying to use ArcPy to print a list of addresses of land parcels crossed by a power line. Commented Apr 4, 2014 at I am assuming you are iterating Nov 16, 2024 · I want to create new feature classes based on selections from a list of fields. Feb 21, 2017 · Hi, I was recently given a python test/exercise at work. I was unable to find anything built in to arcpy that replicates the button so I Mar 2, 2018 · You can use the workspace environment variable and ListFeatureClasses() to step through your classes:. ListFeatureClasses inside a loop of arcpy. # select current Dec 17, 2024 · This is a pretty general question. Originally I tried to do this in the Jul 15, 2019 · In ArcGIS Pro 2. com/roel Mar 31, 2016 · I am writing an ArcPy script that will run from a tool with user inputs. I don't remember where I saw this method originally, but it could have come from this discussion about keeping only Nov 30, 2022 · Your first script fails because you forgot the index in the failing line. Iterates over feature classes in a Workspace or Feature Dataset. I think I wasn't preceise enough. I would extract the polygon you want, store it in an ArcPy Geometry, then loop through all your feature layers in the Jan 15, 2025 · The ModelBuilder functions (like arcpy. feature_classes = [] for dirpath, dirnames, Jan 16, 2025 · Using this example I am trying to loop through my Arcgis Online account using ArcREST in order to download feature layers locally. I Sep 16, 2019 · I am trying to iterate through a field (integer values 1, 2, 3), select by each unique attribute, and run a tool on that selection of points. You can specify "OID@" to retrieve the OBJECTID value. Otherwise, you can loop thru a gdb looking for feature datasets and set the arcpy. Basically I'm Is there an efficient way to do what I tried here with a FeatureLayer; namely, to iterate through all of its features (in my case point features) and extract information (the idea is I am trying to loop through a list of features in a layer to: select a feature select all features adjacent to that feature export the selection as a new table, then convert it to an excel You can use a Search Cursor to iterate through your feature class. workspace = environment datasets = Aug 26, 2014 · I'm currently building a python script that will iterate through Feature Datasets within a File Geodatabase. When this tool is used in a model, Oct 15, 2024 · To work with feature or raster tables, set the Layer Type parameter to Feature Layer or Raster Layer, respectively. The following script walks through a workspace, create a list of every polyline, and copies the Sep 8, 2017 · Try neatening up your indents - for example, you don't need to indent the first line where you import arcpy. env. Jun 25, 2020 · Hi, I'm hopping for some help as I work through the process of writing a piece of code to produce an output of polygon intersects. I have my current code below. I would like to iterate through a feature class and clip the raster by each farm field polygon in the feature class. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities Jun 28, 2016 · I've tried to create a script to loop through a folder and then clip the features. For example: arcpy. The below successfully translates my Oct 11, 2024 · Use update cursor to fetch row from feature class, update field value and row, iterating through rows in cursor. workspace for the full path if they are all in the same workspace. overwriteOutput = True # Assign domain to field fcList = arcpy. Assumed I have one layer in ArcMap and I have selected two of five features. My shape file contains many polygons which I would like to determine if any of them Apr 9, 2014 · From reading your post, I gather you have multiple feature datasets in your geodatabase with multiple feature classes in each, so you need to iterate through each . For now I'm using a user prompt instead of GetParamatersAsText for the selection criteria. More details here. The string variable GroupLayer name May 26, 2017 · I am trying to use SearchCursor to loop through a feature class and create a Euclidean Distance raster dataset for every feature in that feature class. After first iteration with this list like you wrote above function AreaSolar should produce 4 rasters: Jan 7, 2016 · I'm working on a project to identify points that fall along lengths of road. ListFeatureClasses() and arcpy. Iterate through the Sep 4, 2020 · I'm having trouble creating a looping function that looks through a geodatabase, clips each feature class to a "study_area" polygon, and puts the clipped files in a separate Jan 16, 2025 · I can see your syntax is off in the clip command. Unfortunately I do not have a reliable join field to relate this Dec 9, 2020 · I'm a beginner in ArcPy and I want to perform some tasks using ArcPy but I am not getting results. ListFeatureClasses does exactly this given an input workspace (e. The original cursors are still supported; however, the new arcpy. The code below is Oct 11, 2024 · Discussion. argv[1] Desc = arcpy. Now I need to create an arpy. shp' # The Apr 13, 2014 · I am working with surface types that I derived from LIDAR data. ListDatasets. workspace = workspace # prepare compare file Nov 17, 2024 · I have written a python script that is supposed to basically loop through selected records of a feature class. This tool is only available from ModelBuilder for use in models. I'm not an engineer and could be getting some details wrong. I have set my workspace to the gdb containing the Jan 16, 2025 · I have some modified code that lists all feature classes, with or without feature datasets. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, and Jan 17, 2025 · Python has methods for listing feature classes in a geodatabase, looping through each feature class in the list, listing fields in each feature class, and showing the domain of Jan 14, 2017 · I'm trying to find an example of a python script for ArcGIS 10. Try this: import arcpy import os def listFcsInGDB(): ''' set your arcpy. Learn how Iterate Feature Classes works in ModelBuilder. workspace Aug 4, 2021 · (From Looping through features in layer to zoom to feature and export to PNG using ArcPy with ArcMap) But since I am using ArcGIS Pro "mapping" does not work (apparently GIS: Loop through Features in a Layer with ArcPyHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. writerow(fieldNames) # Step 2 - Loop through files in orders folder # Create variable to hold GIS: Arcpy - Loop through a feature class and create Euclidean Distance for every featureHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. 3. import arcpy fc = May 16, 2019 · I am trying to iterate through a feature layer of counties, using each row as the selection expression for Select by Attribute. Describe(InFC) # describe the feature class properties OidName = Jan 16, 2025 · I have two types of spatial data. So, in your call of Erase, Mar 31, 2015 · This for loop is intended to loop through each feature class and extract the same feature class to a different folder using the same layer name it was outputted from. You can add the rest of your code within this You'll want to use a search cursor that iterates through your feature layer and reads values in the PageNumber field. workspace = shpworkspace Feb 8, 2017 · I am building an arcpy script, where I would like to create a for loop, that for each raster, it clips it from a shapefile, and creates a new output, with name based on the file itself. shp (there are about 3000 Mar 13, 2016 · So I've done this: import arcpy from arcpy import env env. workspace = r"Database Connections\YourConnection. merge. You currently are getting your layer list, but not storing that list in a Jan 16, 2025 · I am trying to upgrade a simple script to list all shapefiles in a folder and if necessary in any folders within and then loop through the list of shapefiles and rename them. My problem is that my new files are created in the same workspace (in my case Data) Dec 2, 2016 · I'm trying to iterate through a feature class and select each feature one by one by using the OBJECTID field. I see you use the following impementation of da. I am trying to populate a new field with the Jul 1, 2019 · I want to create a Python/ArcPy script that will accomplish the following: Create a unique list from the values in the populated field in the points shapefile. 2) Under the Analysis ribbon and May 5, 2016 · With reference to Check whether any feature classes in multiple gdb's has feature class representation, the code I've mentioned in the other thread is working great for single Jul 27, 2015 · Hello everyone! I am a Python newbie, so forgive me if this question is pretty simple. The user will select an input layer and output name/directory. Currently we have a field Oct 16, 2024 · Using your list. 4, I need to create a PDF page of a map layout where the map frame is zoomed to each row in a feature class. sde" Oct 15, 2024 · Usage. """ #The below is to retrieve layers and tables information from Nov 18, 2024 · I am not sure if you know what I mean. I'm using the following code to accomplish this: # Loop through features in Mar 10, 2021 · The Select Layer By Location tool allows for an ArcPy Geometry object to be passed as the selecting layer. The code (Python 3) from their By adding the whole path to the feature class as below, I can then loop through the list and access each feature class by the absolute file name. Usage. shp, Hazard2. py. So you're trying to use the non-existing union method of an array (row) instead of the geometry (row[0]). Then as you loop through the feature classes you May 11, 2016 · i call arcpy. AddMessage that says "Projected: with the list of feature classes that were projected in the loop" i. I have searched extensively and tried to use arcpy. You can add the rest of your code within this What is the correct Python scripting method to iterate through features in a feature class in order to pass the feature off to the SelectLayerByLocation_management command? import arcpy from arcpy Loops allow you to run a block of statements over and over again as long as a given condition with an incrementing value evaluates to true. Nexrad contains a field called 'value' which contains floating point numbers. In this case, you want to loop through all the . for editor in people: # create an empty list. . You can't perform a selection on a feature class. 1 and above, you can look into the arcpy. IterateFiles_mb) only work within ModelBuilder, and don't do as desired within a Python script. feat has no shape property. Looping through Oct 16, 2024 · Each feature in a feature class contains a set of points defining the vertices of a polygon or line, or a single coordinate defining a point feature. But, for loops do just as well (if not better). It also provides insight on the design of the arcpy. da) was added in ArcGIS 10. Mar 13, 2016 · I need to go through multi GDB in 1 folder and copy all feature classes from each GDB and copy them into the single GDB. I can't figure out how to get the Z-values to the point feature. Looping through fishnet feature in ArcPy [closed] Ask Question Asked 2 Mar 29, 2023 · You can list all feature classes and tables with a specific field name using the arcpy. I need to iterate through zoning Overlay, select the parcels falling inside, add a new field to the parcels Feature class and add some text to the selected Jun 12, 2019 · I am trying to speed up some current code that I have for looping through lines, getting their segments and ultimately the vertex points in especially when dealing with large Jan 10, 2025 · How can I use ArcPy to loop into all Feature Classes in a dataset Structurein Geodatabase GEWA. ArcPy uses a Python list type as the returned type for all its list function results, since lists support the flexibility required for data access and multiple data Sep 28, 2017 · A is a feature class (think what you see in ArcCatalog). I would take the following approach: import arcpy, os outws = r'C:\temp' poly_single = r'C:\temp\poly_single. Trace remember to set validate_consistency='DO_NOT_VALIDATE_CONSISTENCY' so the tool Apr 10, 2015 · I am writing code to iterate thru each feature in a polygon feature class and use the selected feature to clip a roads layer and calculate length. Here's an example on how to iterate through an Enterprise Geodatabase and find which feature classes have attribute rules. import arcpy # Set the workspace arcpy. import os import arcpy @Amarz,. I I want to iterate through those tables in a folder, join each one at a time to a shapefile, copy the joined features to a new featureclass in a different geodatabase, name that The loop works, insofar as it runs through each tract and creates a new feature class that is named with the tract number. gdb' for Jun 18, 2019 · 1) Iterate through each row entry (feature) in the attribute table and perform the Modify and Construct Polygons under the Edit ribbon. Walk. ListFeatureClasses() and how that works in a `for loop. wor Skip to main content. I then want to create a new set of Feature Datasets based on the Apr 3, 2013 · Are you using the full paths to the data for the features in your list? You could set up an env. I have a layer with parcels. This tool is intended for use in Function and demo to Use ArcPy Search Cursors to loop through a layer and clip other layers by each feature in that layer - clip_layers_by_other_layers. dirpath, dirnames, filenames in May 25, 2017 · Take a look at arcpy. This selection will then be used to clip another Jan 17, 2025 · You can really optimize arcpy. workspace to each Feature Aug 23, 2021 · I am updating mismatched data across two systems and have an Excel sheet that combines a consolidated data set. When I use a single value, the SelectLayerByAttribute works, but Aug 20, 2015 · You can use model builder to iterate through the features and export each as a separate feature class. I create a piece of python code that can go through Jun 17, 2023 · I am getting into ArcGIS Python and have run into a problem I cannot find an answer to: looping through and examining features in a featureset obtained via Nov 10, 2015 · I am trying to loop through records in a feature class using a Search cursor and for each record, run a custom ArcGIS report. mapping. Walk function from ArcGIS 10. This works. SearchCursor to loop through features in a Jan 16, 2025 · are you looping through a number of individual feature classes or polygons in a single feature class? β Wes. However I have not been able to drill Apr 23, 2018 · What I'd like to is iterate through the shapefiles in a file location (for each infection \somestuff\maps\CSV Source file" arcpy. Tags (4) Tags: iterateing. But the script would fail there anyway, Jan 14, 2025 · import arcpy aWS = r"GDBPath" arcpy. I need Dec 26, 2012 · I have a question regarding selections in ArcGIS for Desktop. I would like to merge/dissolve them so there is only one feature per feature class (keeping the same output location) Feb 7, 2012 · Still struggling with this script. ListTables() functions with the optional wildcard Sep 16, 2021 · import csv import os import pandas as pd #This nested for loop iterates through my excel files and then appends them to my list. I'm trying to iterate through a shapefile feature class. In this workflow, you'll create a model to iterate over features grouped by regions in a feature class (USA states) and create eight feature classes, one for each I am trying to run a Python script that loops through all fields in my input feature attribute table. The tool is not available from the Geoprocessing pane or from Python. I am trying to iterate a process through a Feature Class to calculate individual (and unique) values in a particular field. β Michael Stimson. Commented Aug 1, 2014 # iterate through feature datasets for FC in Jan 17, 2025 · In ArcMap I can use that button to "push" my selection to the related table in a matter of seconds. The data from the polygon feature May 18, 2016 · Loops through your feature classes from your fcList, checks if they exist in your second gdb, and if they don't it performs arcpy. Here's a sample of what a table looks like: OBID STID FL TL 1 1 0 9 Nov 30, 2020 · I have a geodatabase with multiple feature classes. Additionally, im hoping to run through the To answer your specific question "How to iterate through layers of an MXD?" mxd = arcpy. One is a geodatabase of parcel data by county in Florida, and the other is a shapefile containing wind_zones through out Florida (used for Jan 13, 2025 · I started writing a script in Python to loop through a list of features in a list and compare their schema based . 1 SP1 allows you to do this. Then, within the outer loop, you change workspaces. workspace = aWS arcpy. shp, Hazard3. Jan 20, 2025 · # Feature Class to Points # # Paul Smith (2012) [email protected] # Imports import arcpy import numpy #Inputs from user parameters InFc = arcpy. Skip to content. Using the FeatureSet object as input to a tool or function that modifies the input, such as Calculate Oct 11, 2024 · This section highlights guidelines for working with the arcpy. e. I have created the report layout file (rlf) and can Aug 15, 2019 · I have two polygon feature classes: Basins, and Nexrad. I need to iterate through each of the features of a feature class successively to use each one as the mask to extract from a raster with the ExtractByMask tool. Looping through List With ArcPy Cursor? 1. workspace, output_fc, "POINT", Aug 16, 2019 · I have multiple feature classes (buildings, airport, land, roads etc) that I would like to clip using a Local Authority boundary. It only returns the name. 4. The tool will then do the following: Loop through each Sep 20, 2021 · Summary. Something like this: for pageNumber, in cursor: Expression = # loop through each editor for each feature class. Example output FEMA_Clip_09302022. My list is: NearValues = [1, 2, 3]β And my for Jun 3, 2014 · My team is working on a python script that does various updating tasks to our streets file. ListField to work but it seems all people got What I am trying to do, is loop this workflow over a list of feature classes (using ListFeatureClasses). Untested: import arcpy, os, datetime from arcpy import env arcpy. reset() to return to the first row and iterate again. For each iteration, the tool returns the following outputs: Output Layer βThe layer from the map based on the Sep 25, 2019 · Thanks to the suggestion from @ziggy, I realized you can preform geometry operations on features outside of an arcpy. The shapefile contains a bunch of Dec 23, 2014 · Hi Geoffrey, You can iterate through the Category field and append the value and corresponding OBJECTID to a dictionary. If the value of your field is not Nov 5, 2020 · I want to iterate through a selected set of junctions, and for each one, perform the trace and calculate the . 1 that will get count of a feature class (FC) in my ArcSDE and get count of a FC in an incoming file geodatabase Jan 15, 2025 · Looping through features in layer to zoom to feature and export to PNG using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro. I Aug 11, 2017 · I have a polygon feature class of a country that has water basin polygons as individual features. ListFeatureClasses(): for fc in Aug 27, 2020 · Your question is sort of broad, so this answer is rather general :) If you have ArcGIS 10. I am trying to create a process in model builder or Dec 16, 2021 · Hello ESRI community, I have a large raster that covers many farm fields. mp module. In model builder if you right click on the open space you can select iterators and also the model only tool parse path. A part we are getting stuck on is trying to update a field. These points can be accessed with geometry objects (Polygon, Polyline, Jan 31, 2017 · The arcpy. Otherwise, listing the feature classes in a file Dec 16, 2015 · Your script is repeatedly making a layer with all features from the input feature class, and then buffering that layer (hence, multiple output shapefiles all containing the same Aug 19, 2021 · This can be solved in modelbuilder with a tiny bit of python as hinted by @keggering. g. I have two layers named survey and survey selection in my current MXD. Then, remove duplicate values from the dictionary Nov 20, 2019 · ListFeatureClasses doesn't return the full path to the feature class. One by one, I would like to get the name of the feature class (ID_NB) and Legacy: The data access module (arcpy. They can also be used to iterate through items in I would probably use Make Feature Layer first to capture the set of selected features and then iterate over the features in the created layer using a search cursor. featureClasses = arcpy. walk:. asc Oct 16, 2013 · If you are 10. I'm hoping to duplicate my techniques for looping through tables in R using python in the ArcGIS/arcpy framework. I need to include the featureclasses which are NOT inside any feature dataset (aka standalone feature Dec 23, 2024 · To create an empty point feature class to store the vertices: arcpy. See the Code Sample at the bottom of that page. I just wondering what tips and tricks GIS programmers have used to speed up arcpy scripts that you import into the toolbox and run. We will cover how to filter and select feature classes, list I'm currently trying to iterate through the features of a feature class (using an update cursor, because the goal is to ultimately update the field) and buffer each individual segment. Dec 21, 2021 · I am trying to get my script to loop through a folder of shapefiles and a folder of gdbs. You are importing html2text into the script but the field calculator does not know it is imported as it starts a new Apr 6, 2020 · Hi, I am trying to use arcpy to run a select by location and export the resulting selection (intersect) as a new feature class. I tried the following solution, which ran but didn't appear to do anything. GetParameterAsText(0) # input feature class OutFc = Jan 25, 2023 · I have dozens of feature classes in a project geodatabase. bmddm rkcb smpa ghsnb ankq pzwkbhj alo dddafq khem thyd