Escape from tarkov fastest queue times. I also don't have a lot of time to play and waste 40 minu.
Escape from tarkov fastest queue times Closed • total votes 0-5 Minutes . Right now, predictably, it's a new wipe with a new map expansion, so The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games this loading time is even longer (15m +) and with maps I played before it is "only" around 8-15 minutes (it varies a lot). " For example, if you are in queue for 5 minutes with no match found, The issue with scav queues isn't servers, it's that there aren't enough matches in existence to fill all the people queuing for scav, because the only way to play scav is to load into a match that PMCs already created. I was the first to start queuing yet all 3 of my friends found raids 5-10 minutes before me. Reply reply I got my undamaged Slick and full face fast helmet back from the death where I died to one shot of 5. Evening always ends up being 10+ minutes Took hundreds of hours probably to get one map down pact at a time. 4 hours a day is a very little amount of time considering most raids take 30 minutes to an hour idk about how terrible your computer is but that much time should not normally cause issues you are the idiot who does not understand computers as the original poster said everything has worked fine before the update and works fine on everything else this update on The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games You have to rush tasks right now, and if you do manage to slay PMCs or a boss you have to loot so fast and be careful because endless scavs come to steal loot, literally endless. 14. Could change your servers and deal with 100+ ping, but be in a game in 3 min. I can’t stand waiting 5+ minutes to get into streets and then die off of spawn. And the items are instantly on the flea market with a 20-40% higher price. Once in game Tarkov feels like a whole new game FPS has sky rocketed but I have been running into an issue of really long loading loot times. Possibly because game is dying. C. 5. Tarkov has never respected the players time, havnt had a single match timer go over a minute How to get around the queue times for Escape From Tarkov. I think that is fair. After a transit is activated, no other transits or extractions can be used. Recently it’s been going beyond 10 minutes. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • Matching times have been all over the place the last few days due to server overload. If BSG team had any inkling of a brain matter, they could simply add an average matching The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games excessively long loading loot times. Choosing non early quest maps will cause longer times. Time-Lost Proto Drake comments. 6. Reply reply Tarkov Time. Catch up mechanic: All players 4 weeks in post wipe should be allowed to buy off flea. You can tell everyone is out there looking for those saleywas (don't think i spelled that right) i hear lighthouse has some decent loot though, unfortunately i couldn't get it to load. Our Discord Server. tv/verybadscavClips & VODsVeryGoodSCAV Shorts&Fulls : https://www. Link to comment 27 Share; Posted August 22, 2023. There are four possible spawns already. 13 update to Escape from Tarkov, old issue of long matching times has returned. Reply reply JoeFromBirdtown • Customs, interchange and shoreline have had less than 3 minute queue times lately! Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Share Add a Comment. Haven’t tried any other maps. 5:03am · now. Disgusting. friolt. Sort by: The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games as queue time related posts seem to be firing off faster then a M4 in the hands of Chad Chaddington, the Sweatlord Surpreme :P Today was horrible with the timers for scavs. This issue only started affecting my system as of late last wipe, and all through the current wipe. It's very simple do. I'm averaging like 8minute queue times Reply reply More replies. Woods customs has been under 5 minutes for queue. com/channel/UCN The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online If I put ammo into a container and it stacks on an existing non-full stack and there is more room in the container, all of it should go into the container. Using co-op extracts (. It's year 2023 and I am waiting 20 minutes to join a match, you should be ashamed, on top of aaaalllll the other myriad of problems this product has. Queue times as a temporary solution. Dark and Darker is about to wipe soon if that interests you and ABI is good I've been in the beta since launch. In this article we will explore the problem and try to figure out if there is anything you can do about it. Ultimately they're a waste of time if you don't need to run a scav. tarkov queue time, tarkov queue bug, tarkov frie Hello everyone, I recently upgraded my computer from an i9-10900f to Ryzen 7800x3d with a MSI MAG B650 TOMAHAWK and 32GB DDR5 Ram @ 6200mhz. The opposite is true, the more Scav players queuing relative to PMC player, the longer the Scav timers will be. Right now I am sitting on 10m roubles and I c The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online What even is the amount that gets restocked on this trade, i camped the restock like 4 times already and it's sold out in 1 second In this video, I give you a couple tips to help with the longer queue times in Escape from Tarkov. My ping in raid is never over 100-120 and typically low and in the green. Then I see GM streamers where tank queues are significantly much longer like 10 min+ and DPS queues are the fastest which was interesting 16GB of RAM is enough for some people. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, join us and take your gaming experience to the next level! The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Kilvernas. 8. Source: playing offline tarkov on steam deck with the longest loading map being streets at just under 2 minutes for the map, 40 seconds for loot. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I've played them this wipe just because I can queue up and afk when I'm busy without worrying, but last wipe I didn't touch scavs. However whenever I queue by myself, the matching time just keeps going and going, the highest it's been is 27 The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • AutisticMongoloid1. Most likely because of some change they made to matchmaking behind the scenes. 23:00 Personally I haven’t seen a single hacker, queue times are pretty fast as well Edit: I am on east coast servers Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online. That did somewhat help the in-game issues but angered a lot of their fanbase as people were not amused to wait half an hour just to enter the game. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFC. youtube. It is done through various hideout modules such as the booze generator, lavatory, medstation, nutrition unit, water collector and workbench. This is horrendous. Reply reply shashlik-king ok let me save you from that matchmaking time issue you have. Reply reply Focus on using nothing but the Mosin or VPO sniper so you level that skill fast and early (you’ll need it level 9 for a late game mission, but can purchase 3 levels Sadly, already had both of these done (I double checked and had the tarkov executable set as an exception in Windows Firewall, and I only have servers near me with low ping checked, and then just did another test raid). exe The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • relogFPS. These maps, especially maps like Interchange or Shoreline can take a long time to really learn. PUBG, CS, Apex Legends, etc all are fast as well. I did three scav runs on customs and they Where are all these instant PvE queue times? I honestly think that the people who are getting instant queues are playing at 6 in the morning. Sometimes 3-5 Reserve has always been the longest queue time for me usually sitting around 5-8 minutes. [1] [2] Ve svém současném stavu obsahuje Escape from Tarkov několik režimů, jež mohou hráči hrát: online PMC raidy, Scav (zkratka pro „scavenger“, v překladu „mrchožrout“) nájezdy The best part, Reserve, armored train doesnt leave before the timer runs out, great programming, I do not feel BSG have done the right thing, lower raid timers means more are spamming loading into servers more often, having a 'normal' raid timer will cause less people backing out, re q'ing essentially DDOS'ing their servers unknowingly, they have hundreds of The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online [Discussion] Load times are probably the biggest deterrent for a lot of players upvotes Autofill is in the game to prevent excessive queue times, yet I'm still waiting in queue for 8 minutes to have 4 mid mains on my team. At the time of writing, the queue for European servers is 86k, which is a lot. Unless you go as a group be prepared to meet opposition from Got access today around 5pm central. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I'm not sure what's going on, but every time I solo queue as a scav, I get queue times of 15+ minutes, up to a half hour no matter what map. After loading to the next location, players will appear as close as possible to the corresponding transition zone. 4/5th wipe played. Share Sort by: Best. *Edit im at 9 almost 10 minutes again. ) SURV12 = Triple current self-use time, Team-mate use time = 4/5ths current use time. There are The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games If Dark and Darker was able to force a max queue time of 5 mins on a free game for a week straight 3 times in a row (with almost all queue times being <10secs), I feel like Tarkov can handle some middle ground here. bro we get that que times as pmc we have made tickets tweeted at bsg everything we The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Take your time, there won't be another wipe until literally Christmas or even 2023. ive tried enabling all USA servers as well as auto server The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games which will improve queue times and allow for longer raids nikita said on the most recent tarkov tv. The internet's fastest growing fan-based Business Inquiry : pchicken670@gmail. Link to comment Share on other sites. Tarkov raids should be in existence for 2-4 hours with people constantly coming through and leaving during that time period (each person would have the normal time to escape, of course). All players of a The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • ltgauby . The best privacy online. I know all you chads out there are gonna say just run your pmc, well thats fine and I did, however you go broke with meds/food/water/gear all while trying to gather quest/hideout stuff. I have tried 10+ times and waited at least 15 minutes to no avail. Also the launcher can not be closed in the task manager. I am connected to every USA server, there's no way I should take more time loading in then in the actual raid. I also don't have a lot of time to play and waste 40 minu The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Are any groups actually able to get into games right now or is it a bunch of solos running around since their queue time is normal? Gotta love that loading screen simulation. Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I don't care about the queue times. 10-15 Minutes . some things are surprisingly more valuable than others on the 0:00 Intro0:45 Select All Servers1:22 SCAV night raids2:09 Play at other time. Is The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • up up down down left right left right B A start and then you'll get instant queue times for the rest of your session. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online D-2 raiders need a higher spawn rate [Feedback] The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • Talanax . I have heard that scavs spawn in waves- first wave is at the beginning of the round (obviously), 2nd is around 30 mins into raid (some have told). 1-minute in Tarkov = 24s (real time) therefore 60-minutes (1h) in tarkov = 60x24s = 1440s / 60 = 24-minutes real time Note this was during peak hours, sometimes I see estimated longer queue times for tank and dps but for some reason support is always basically instant queues for me. But the fucking MENU LOAD TIMES are insane. it depends on server popularity. Top. But when I queue with a friend, even just one other friend, we get queue times of 3-4 minutes at most. r/heroesofthestorm. Reply reply KakyWakySnaccy Massive queue times. Its my biggest gripe with the main game so for this to be such short queue times in between matches, I may have found my home for a while. Might be fixed soon but for now this is the secret. I'd say customs is second fastest. ADMIN MOD Arena Queue Times? Question What are the expected queue times for a duo in arena 2x2? Just getting into it now and lowing what to expect would be cool. Play a match in any game mode on Bay 5 Play a match in any game mode on Fort Play a match in any game mode on Block Play a match in any game mode on Chop Shop +5,000 EXP 110,000 Roubles 1× Christmas tree ornament (Red) I was on auto region, sat in queue multiple times for 10+ minutes each, and then after the 3rd or 4th time I decided to see if selecting a region would help. Had a blast tonight The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Just doing all the V-extracts 5 times per map will get you really far. 0 - A Brief History of Events in the Escape From Tarkov community since April 24th, 2024. 00 from scav extractions alone would take 600 scav raids. I dont understand the timeline on the road ahead they posted if this is still the state of matching. Spawn in, load it up, unload mag, unload ammo from mag, load mag in, reload. Home GoonsTracker Tarkov Bots Twitch Hope you liked the video, if you did, slap the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button to keep up to date on the latest content and thank you for watching!INTRO SONG ( G Queuing as a scav for Reserve takes upwards of an hour. 4 karma for this that is 20 car extracts or 40 scav raids, with the matching time being 5+ mins, this is unacceptable. just the other day it was like, 60k at the most. New Please Nikita, I recently bought Warhammer 40k miniatures and was ready to build the sets while in the queue for raids. Escape from Tarkov Real time to ingame time. Where did bsg go wrong here? Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. thats barely enough time to loot and extract. Time-to-kill is a great metric as it boils down all the various ammo statistics, armor calculations, and Level up fast in Escape from Tarkov with our guide. Same here fast until 60% then 6-8 min waiting until 100%, started with UNIT 2019 patch. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games and during non prime time hours any map scavs fast. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • Agac4234. sat in one for over 10 minutes and left the queue. Me and my buddies haven't done any scav runs since wipe, because it just keeps loading. everyone right now try to play as scavs on reserve, costums and lighthouse, so avoid those maps as your scav. you can handle waiting more than 3 minutes for a q go back to what ever game spoiled you cause your not getting those times in tarkov Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games No. 9:27 PM - now The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Long queue times Issue Is it taking anyone else super long to get into raid? Today I’ve queued a few times and quit out because I’ve been in queue for 12+ minutes. Reply reply More replies. sitting through an 87k one right now. Search privately. You can keep it. Sort by: Best. Mostly I see around 23-25 scavs before I reset or get killed. This is for most maps I try even Factory Locked post. Question When pressing install it gets stuck on calculating time. It took me 10 minutes to get into factory. 20 min for your scav and 10 - 30 min queue times. Locked post. Annoyingly, every time I queue into a raid, I load within two minutes, and I can't have enough time to actually build my miniatures. Best. Significant_Web881 Damn tarkov wait times are still this bad? Reply reply [deleted] • Yee well the fastest way to boost ur stash is make moneys lol. 1GHz, 16GB 3600MHz, SSD, GTX 1080Ti, <20ms to 8. I've tried auto, and North East and The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games at least try to contribute with things ive found that have helped a fellow HDD using scrub like myself get better load times for maps seem as i currently do not have a SSD, these "fixes" arent meant to make your game run flawlessly they are simply to just help you load in as fast as The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online The Unheard Edition Patch-0. Are there any stims/injectors that increase movement speed? Anything that increases it will help, thanks :) First time KAPPA. Issue Just as the title says my scav queue times are outrageously long for any map I try and load into. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister I don't know how and where you are waiting 30 minutes to get into a raid. . play as your pmc more in peek hours. Get in and latterly skulk around the map because ur in fear of not The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • williammurderfayce. Max I’ve had to wait to play a game was like 2 minutes because 2 people kept not accepting the match. ADMIN MOD anyone have a problem with queue times? Question every queue takes me around 8 minutes. You also have 6 days (144h) to collect the returned items instead of the 4 that Prapor offers. Reserves scav queues are 20 minutes + after a fresh wipe. I also disabled useplatformclock as suggested in this post. 17:00. Customs for sure. it seems every weekend the game becomes unplayable. Wtf is the Matching times. Still can't get in to a raid on PvE. Endless scavs Final Thoughts. Gonna be so fun running around with an MP5k and level 2 armor fighting a G36 and level 5 armor! youtube upvotes The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Over an hour of total queue time after multiple server switches and I’ve gotten in 3 times total today. I've now died so much to juicy squads on customs that I have basically nothing left in the stash, how am I supposed to play the game exactly? Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First The scav queue times on certain maps like lighthouse are absolutely terrible, I am consistently waiting 7-10m for a raid which just doesn't make any sense. Every item crafted in the hideout will have the "found in raid" status. Where was this "maintance" at because nothing has changed in the past two weeks and its making the game unbearable. Recently, they have announced the additional of more serv The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games When the server starts having issues, around 2pm EST, queue times go through the roof. gg’s Gear Configurator or boosting services to get fully equipped for any raid scenario. I have a near top of the line system, 5900X, 3080, NVMe, but my loading times suddenly became 10x as long as before. This would switch up the repitition of raids because right now, we know exactly when players are going to be at any given point in the map for the first few minutes. Tarkov is an unoptimized, technically buggy mess, because it's a beta for a game that still has a lot of expanding and modifying to do. extremely long queue times . The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online. if i see matching with counting seconds i instantly back out. Get the Chevron EFT Cheat, the ultimate Escape from Tarkov cheat from Kaffeine. basically sell everything for what its worth, and buy it back when you need it. Do a few co-op extracts mixed in and you'll be nearly 6. A lot of people have tomorrow off for I tried this about 10 times while not recording and it seemed to work every time. Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online. Smaller maps do load faster but still need over 8 minutes per loading screen. It's a mix. Reply reply Few-Habit-418 Hi there, long time tarkov "veteran" here. I lost . in the morning i get in reserve as scav in less than 3 mins but in the evening i leave queue after 10 mins of waiting. Reddit community for Blizzard's MOBA game - The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games ADMIN MOD why does scav lighthouse take so long? Question the average queue time for lighthouse is around 19 mins. there are no queues on france server it takes few mins to load into reserve for me. Queue times need to be decreased down to 1 minute maximum. I've hopped into scav queues with 3 friends in discord with all 4 of us in separate instances and different start times. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games you can queue instantly. Recently, they have announced the additional of more serv With another wipe and a 0. Which servers should I play on to lessen this. exe & launcher. Please make my queue time longer. You configure the server to add more in at most, minutes to react on queue times over x number of minutes. Discussion I've been able to fix my long queue times with clearing cache the last few days but its not working any more Please post which servers you're connecting to and if you're having issues. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Tarkov has a LOT of issues that seem specific to certain builds, OS versions, and other unknown variables. Queue times will only take 1-2 minutes, and each raid will take 2-3 minutes to finish. I queue for 15 mins to get into the game, I have one scav raid. A lot better than disconnecting all the time Reply reply So tired of the BS scav karma. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • actjack_thouphrophet . See the current and future times in Escape from Tarkov. If doubling the number of servers reduces queue times by a monitor, it's double cost. New comments cannot be posted. Cycle frontier and dark and darker have extremely fast load times ( sub 30 seconds) and tarkov should make this a priority. Sort by: The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • No one knows for sure why queue times are so bad this wipe, for both scav and pmc. Crafts in Escape from Tarkov allows you to produce many items. Best map for short scav queue times? Question All of my queue times for scavs are taking forever. rather than getting a fraction of the price on vendors. Hra Escape from Tarkov je jejími vývojáři označována jako realistická a hardcore střílečka z pohledu první osoby a hra o přežití, která si vypůjčuje prvky z masivně multiplayerových online her. I usually play on Salt Lake because it has the lowest ping, but it seems to be a fairly unpopulated server, and it can take up to 5 minutes just to find a pubs match. Doing the car extracts 4 times on each of the 5 possible maps = 4. Queue times are literally instant. PVE Anyone else noticing faster queue times in PvE now? I've been loading into Factory, Reserve and Customs within 2 minutes now, instead of 10 minutes. With this guide and the best tools at your disposal, you’ll Leveling from 0-6. This is all well and good, but doesn't explain a 10+ times increase in matching times. Is this true? Archived post. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games On occasion you will get slightly higher match times of up to 5/6 minutes for scav runs but rarely ever longer unless the servers are generally experiencing issues. 23x more expensive depending on trader level but returns your items after 12–24 hours. Edited April 1, 2020 by Straafe The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I HAVEN'T had a single raid where I was certain I was alone and have had extremely long queue times (even giving up once or twice), usually on unpopular-at-the-best-of-times locations like night Interchange. Tarkov is not optimized thus, simply requires faster I/O to read But the question OP is asking is loading times been fixed. Been experiencing some pretty long queue times recently. A 19gb file is instantly created in the temp folder of the launcher When exiting the launcher, it remains active in the task The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games The grenade seems really fast, maybe it's just the animation that makes it seem faster, not too sure. In Escape from Tarkov, transits are used for map to map travel without leaving a raid. With the current player pop I feel like it should be quicker. You still have to wait to join a server. youtub 3. com/channel/UCN Hello For another time, I have a bug where he kicks me out of the game after waiting 30 minutes in queue. Items that have a I get a feeling it will never get to any acceptable place with Tarkov. To combat the overload they introduced the queue to enter the game. i have been trying to get in to a lobby for and hour and only managed to get into 1 raid. ADMIN MOD [Discussion] Faster Queue Times . (after 8 minutes i I've seen a lot of posts complaining about the scav queue times on here - something I found to help a lot with this is to look for a group and scav in with someone else. 5-10 Minutes . Any of you experiencing this? Locked post. 2nd wave is supposed to come better gear and thats the key finding fort armor for quest. High ping/ queue times Issue If I play Arena my games are all like 200+ ping, and on EFT my time in the queue is literally 30+ minutes. My internet connection is The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Anyone know as of yet if the queue is global? it seems odd to be 20000th in the queue at midnight UK time which is about as late as it gets Europe wise Reply reply This is how you can fix it fast. Get tips on quests, combat, and efficient strategies to reach max level quickly and dominate the game. its taking over 20min to find matches, half as much to try and scav in. have not let the waiting time pass 10 mins. Literally 5 attempts as a scav and backed out after the 30 minute mark. guys when im playing with friends the q time seems to be 10 min up but when i go solo i get a game in like a min or so isit just me or is that the same as anything other people Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A ThatGuyBryce1999 • DT MDR • The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I assumed the changes to when scavs spawn would lengthen queue time, but I have not been able to load in as a scav on Reserve even after 25 minutes. I'm playing on EU servers, let me know if others work better. The problem is cost. Now before you all lose your mind on me my solution is posted below. I've got decent queue times compared to people in this sub (even tho I have only 2 regions selected). Anyone else Please Nikita, I recently bought Warhammer 40k miniatures and was ready to build the sets while in the queue for raids. Specs: i7-8700k at 5. Can't do something about this queue? I have an idea - players who have purchased the EOD version have a separate queue with only EODs. check average matching time in launcher. 14 Business Inquiry : pchicken670@gmail. comTwitch : https://www. Have a fence quest to do reserve, Glukhar and his goons are shooting at me with m4's, assuming they are pmc's I drop 4 guards and Glukhar before the 5th guard drops me. More replies. 8, 100/100MBit uplink/downlink, all drivers up to date, admin rights for EFT. Item craft time is affected by the Crafting skill. Below is a complete list of these crafts. Everyone trying to figure out where the FUCK we are The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Installing stuck on "calculating time". Are queue times really still this bad (OCE) I have not played the game since early last year and have yet to get into a scav game after over an hour in total of queuing on seperate attempts. I used to consistently be the first Tarkov needs a catch up mechanic. it does not. Looking ahead, Escape from Tarkov continues to evolve, with new weapons, builds, and updates slated for 2025. Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and more private browsing experience, while supporting content creators through a new attention-based rewards ecosystem. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. Other Channel For Other Games - https://www. My servers are on automatic selection Wouldn’t the queue times be quick now that all these new players are here Archived The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • FrostingHuman175. I'll concede that there needs to be actual raids happening but the scav queue times are factually broken right now. first select multiple servers from the launcher. More posts you may like Related Escape from Tarkov MMO Action The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • RemiBetta . Sports. 05 scav rep, making it so you 'only' have to do 195 scav extracts for the rest. ADMIN MOD PVE queue times . Archived post. Seems to be a weird work-around for the problem with incredibly long queue This is all well and good, but doesn't explain a 10+ times increase in matching times. Personally, I'm convinced they've introduced a minimum player count A lot of players are running scavs to grind items and potentially not as many running pmc so there's a lot of people in queue for less ongoing raids; especially on high value maps like lighthouse and reserve. My game crashes in the menu, I reload the game immediately and I'm 40000th in the queue, double what I was the I feel as though the only issues right now is Factory, other maps seems fine, but I like playing Factory more as it is quick games and fast action. Still has the long end of raid loading time before the main menu. Through nearly 30 scav queues, I've been put into a match (regardless of map) in under 5 minutes as opposed to the usual 10 - 20 minutes. Hence you see a lot of people running it. Each server js just a clone of the others. On this page you will find the time until the next trader resets in Escape from Tarkov. Browse privately. do this and your matching time will reduce to max 3 minutes. Traders run out of stock in minutes depending on what time you are playing. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online [Discussion] Failed Update The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games AutisticMongoloid1. 3:09 SCAV partyPlease subscribe to support the channel! Aiming for 100k subs!! "The Unheard" edition of the game changes the allowed time to collect the returned items to 16 days (384h) Therapist is ~1. I play us Midwest and west coast servers. The max time we waited was 14 mins. Lol. Minimum 5 minutes but just sat in one for 12. After Hustle event finished PVE queue got way better, with 2-5min max waiting time, it didn't last long tho as by now queue times are reaching 15-30 mins again. just got the game a week ago and cant properly enjoy it :( =====Queue And Offline mode Escape From Tarkov===== Hi Everyone , All of us, who read this topic, like to play or at least watch it on The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games The more PMC players queuing compared to Scav players, the shorter the Scav queue time will be. Christmas Time - Part 1 was a Quest in Escape from Tarkov: Arena. But on a clean install on a beefy PC I ran out quickly. If you’re looking to save time and effort, consider leveraging Onlyfarms. I am on the OCE server and just went to play a round or 2 (12am (midnight) local time) In this video, I give you a couple tips to help with the longer queue times in Escape from Tarkov. Scav matchmaking queue times question Question I usually play Tarkov with my friend and we can scav with the normal queue times together. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online I made a new spreadsheet for Kappa and Lightkeeper tracking 0. HDD is slow, but cheap per GB ratio. 43x-1. hope a solution arises here soon. My first Kaban kill was blessed The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I think i had to wait about 6 minutes each time so there is hope. We offer gameplay clips, discussions, and support, with a strong community and various events. man, queue times getting longer every day or what?. It has very little to do with HDD or SSD. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Fastest queue time map? Question What map has the fastest queues right now? I'm tired of sitting in 10 minute queues Archived post. Anyone else having this In a month to 2 it'll relax to half the time to like 3 to 5 minutes. ) CMS kit = double current self-use time, Team-mate use time = 3/4ths current use time 4. whole process costs me maybe 1 min (speaking of reserve only, maybe streets and so on would take longer) Insane scav queue time . I Though it’s not the same as the full Escape from Tarkov experience, the inclusion of Tarkov-style weapons in Garry's Mod offers players a taste of Tarkov's gunplay in a sandbox environment. Hell I started playing Crossout with a friend randomly for a while, but the 5 minute queue times The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games i’ve had almost instant queue times until today Reply reply cause i have really fast loading times. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games I'm considering buying the game, but I've heard mixed things about queue times. Idk if the servers got better the past couple of days but if you still have queue issues try putting a support request in Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • This chart includes every gun and ammo combination for Time-To-Kill numbers against armor in the thorax with also a wide selection of Leg Meta combinations. Is everybody else also experiencing this? I'm queueing with 1 other person Guns Just curious if there is any standard across the game times for sunset and sunrise, or if it's per map, or if it's different on the same map in different raids? I generally don’t queue past 1700 since a longer raid would force you to deal with the sunset and reduce visibility The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games The biggest thing that shortens my PC sessions is the long queue times. Epiccarry - Best Boost Service ⭐️ EFT Smugglers Escape From Tarkov Dark Times Event Guide — EFT Dark Times + Best TOZ-106 Shotgun Setup. Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. EFT】ファクトリーでtoz狩り??!!115日目 70lv#【タルコフ】【タルコフアリーナ】【Escape from Tarkov】 !!70 Just because they changed the allowable window for scavs to spawn in doesn't mean that's why there's long wait times, Even before the change Reserve was Notorious for having 10 or 15 minute wait times spawning in as a scav even when you could get two minutes in after the raid started The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • It's easy to spend way too much time scavving. With features like enemy cpu fryer, loot filter, aimbot, wallhacks, and infinite stamina, dominate EFT like never before. Shit is usually picked clean though lol. Hope this helps schedule when the next daytime in Tarkov happens. I've been told that you have to wait around an hour after a raid. By using the right weapons, gear, backpacks, and headsets, you can significantly improve your leveling experience in Escape from Tarkov. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games it takes *the same amount of time to back out of the queue as you've been waiting in the queue. Do graphomaniac work People bring this up a lot in this sub. Playing offline mode, there are 20+ scavs in customs. PvE is a fucking nightmare right now, with the gameplay and the 1/3 decreased raid times, it’s getting to The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • [deleted] Bruh don’t be scared, no queue time for pmc ☠️ Reply reply More replies More replies. I just wanted to finish my strength training this weekend because it feels like we might wipe soon. Lighthouse, factory, reserve, gz, etc. Any time other then that it's a toss up of if you find one fast or are sitting there for 10 minutes. also good to get used to prices. (3-4k hours of actual play time, previously had Kappa, lvl 42 currently, 5th wipe) I'm making this post because it seems as though some new players, and perhaps even some old, have been complaining about queue times. Time in Escape from Tarkov moves at 7 seconds per second. Loading time has increased from 2-3min to ~6-9min (late spawns). Are we the only ones who have this? Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A cha0ss0ldier AK-101 • Additional comment I believe tarkov is the only popular game where 5+ minute queue times are common. but i also have the standard edition and imnt finding it to be an issue when using the flea market. Transits are available 1 minute after the start of a raid and have a 30 second timer. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online New player experience - I didnt know if he is player or scav, I get very stressed still, about 100 h in The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games -If you can get past the queue time for reserve it's really not that great. Share this post: Author. ) Salewa and other healing items (including stims): Triple current self-use time, Team-mate use time = similar to current self-use time. AMA - Side note: I will never do this It might fit the lore but the mechanic is dumb. I have auto server select on and I get in pmc raids in under 3 minutes normally and get into scav raids in under 5 normally only day the timers were even close to 10+ minutes was wipe day and thats expected but since they servers have run really smooth and times to get in has been decently Leave a like and subscribe for more enjoyable content. I am on the OCE server and just went to play a round or 2 (12am (midnight) local time) and decided to cancel after waiting 20 minutes for a scav run these queue times are getting out of hand. Welcome to the Tarkov subreddit! Find information, insights, and camaraderie for players of Escape from Tarkov. I played once match of pve in tarkov and it took 6 minutes to get in, and then proceeded to watch scavs and pmcs chill together its a joke. Reply reply is thee info on how fast this rollout will happen? i didnt get it yet :s Reply reply More replies. And to make The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Clearly not a pvp vz pve thing, nor would it make sense for thee queue times to be measured on the same scale considering raid sizes and such. Whether I leave the screen in matching or cancel it after 10 minutes or so and try again, it takes about an hour. com/c/codacezChannel Membership!https://www. Open comment sort options. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Featuring fast-paced action and immersive controls, players can switch between many different Mobile Suit Units to suit the ever changing battle conditions. 0 After 5 v-extacts you stop getting as much rep for it, but if you wait like a week or two it'll start giving you good rep again. and usually when i get in i only have 10 mins left. ADMIN MOD Scab queue times are 10+ long minutes . Anyone have suggestions for which map I should scav on to minimize queue time? Locked post. But you shouldn't be waiting that long for Rezerv (or any map) as a PMC. Usually resulting in times between 5-10 minutes long which slows down how often we can get into raid. Part 6: Escape from Tarkov weapon builds 2025. 22:00. I'm in another one almost hit 5 minutes again already. 45 PS ammo to the chest. The streamers I’ve seen The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Ever since I put in a support request about queue times my queue went from 80k to under 100 people in front of me each time I log on. Do this for 60-80 rounds and than ditch it in a bush or use it. Television. You want to loot the Toolboxes by the helicopter crash. I’ve had 2-3 min matching times on Customs, Woods, Factory and Interchange and I’ve also waited 10-15 mins to match on those same maps during the same time period. Gonna be so fun running around with an MP5k and level 2 armor fighting a G36 and level 5 armor! youtube upvotes The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Scav queue times are insane Question I've been waiting for over 20 minutes now trying to scav either in resort or customs and i cant get any games. ADMIN MOD Why are queue times so long? Question When queuing with a friend the queue times are 15+ minutes, on any map. 25 first time, then less each subsequent time), and scav missions speed up the process. Is anyone else having these issues? I don’t lag in any other games I play, and I’m on Asia/Korea servers. twitch. For an easy strategy in the early wipe, I always go to Factory as a Scav and just hit up all the Toolboxes and Technical Supply Crate spawns on the map. Scav Queue times Discussion Is any one else having super long queue times today/tonight? Like 10-20 minutes. It's the middle of July. I found using a M700 with a 10 or 20 round mag the best. Start queue Take a shower wash your stank ass Reply reply BannedfromFrontPage • Same Shown multiple time by people who do hardcore challenges. i'm doing these and my matchmaking time is It gets worse my man, a fucking micro sd card is miles better for tarkov than a shitty hard drive, it is absolutely not a joke that those people could cut their load times in half by installing tarkov on a god damn usb stick. Or the actual map loading times as much. i dont play as scav that much but as you know everyone play reserve for the scav runs, so it can have a long queue for that map. Posting is restricted to level 15 still. hkzgpgpwcdzthjnhluvmgdvilliverbyyrdrdnqsmppzojivf