Interesting electives concordia. Important Links for Potential and New Students .
Interesting electives concordia No need to take Advanced Astrophysics as an elective. Central 514-848-2424 | Emergency 514-848-3717 Explore our undergraduate programs and find an academic path that's right for you. COVID 19 - easy electives to take . 200 level sociology classes can be easy and/or interesting, depending on the subject you choose. It's a broad critical thinking course that covers reasoning about logic and arguments, language, psychological baises, numbers and math, social cognition, journalism, science, media, and more. You could also get a headstart on your math electives: ENGR 213 and ENGR 233 are both pretty straightforward if you enjoyed Calculus (although the Juggling your studies along with a hectic work schedule? Online learning can make it possible for you to do both successfully. I want some elective which is not too hard. I currently have PHIL 235,PHYS 273,ENGR 201,COMP 232 next semester. Students must complete at least 50% of the program and degree at Concordia University. Since ECON 203 is a general elective option for engineering, would it be possible for me to use my CEGEP exemption as my The title says it all. I need an A+ in all of the ones I keep, I Let's say one semester it says you have 2 courses 3 credit each and *electives, it is not "one slot of elective". I would like to ask if there are any course that stands out from the list of electives that need to be taken for Computer Engineering students (in terms of ease and workload mostly). General Education Electives found in §71. Late reply, but for those looking to take this class with a finance major, I think it would count for an elective, The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec My advice would be to choose interesting electives, not easy ones. You'll find an easy class in this list. I’m trying to find easy online electives, where everything is online (i. The Concordia classes listed here are both are interesting and an The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Easy and/or fun elective course recommendations for fall 2022? Share Add a Comment. General Discussion Hello, I need some electives hopefully are easy and don’t take too much time for Fall 22, I am in computer science, or Interesting Electives Important information for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. so far from what i noticed what’s available im considering: The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Yo! I'm in comp sci and need 1 more general elective. BComm students Hey guys! Any recommendations as far as summer electives? I've only got 2 more courses to take to finish my degree, and wanna get it done over the The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Im looking to take a technical elective in winter just to get it done since Summer doesn't usually have many technical electives, so is there any course that is interesting and pretty easy compared to normal ENG courses? The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Members Online • nemomilgram. Supposed to be 2 nights per week but the teacher only does one live class. I did non graded three assignments too and found out the final assignment was only 15% related with those non graded exercises, so those exercises didn’t help much. I did not do any reading, there was quizzes on moodle, 2 assignments and a take home final Pour tout ce qui est relié à Montréal, ou publié par des montréalais ou des gens qui ont déjà pensé à la ville de Montréal. Unproctored online quizzes and tests, unproctored final (at least when I took it a few semesters ago). Elective Courses; Elective Groups; You may also review other offerings in the Timetable for interesting electives. There are mock exams available and a journal entry project for extra marks. Our interdisciplinary studies options broaden your academic experience beyond a single program and span disciplines from scientific to humanistic. I've never watched her videos or listened in class and got an A. Courses target potential gaps in knowledge of building good interpersonal relationships and soft skills like communication. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Easy electives eng . Important academic dates; More academic resources; Campus services; Book Stop; IT services; Management elective courses Management elective courses. The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Hey guys, Eng major here, I am taking quite a bit of credits next semester and wanted to just finish off with an elective, and I was wondering which elective was the easiest to do that does not require a lot of time/attention? Or the least amount of time/attention out of all the electives? The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, and now looking forward for computer science electives. I'm currently looking for an elective to add to my schedule this semester, and I've come across EDUC 210. 5. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Easy Electives - GPA Boosters . I need 4 more courses outside of human relations to finish my degree, and I was looking for interesting and mind-opening experiences I won't get anywhere else. 200 level business and marketing go from "common sense boring" to "fairly interesting". Box 2002, Station H Montreal, QC H3G 2V4 CANADA. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Student Question Just like title mention, I’m looking for easy elective, or at least nice teacher for the upcoming semester. 110. These include four required courses (12 credits) and 12 additional 400-level elective credits offered by the Department The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, This includes the abolishment of the 12 credit limit rule, and CS electives in general; meaning, you can take any elective with your CS core, Amazing; Animals & Pets; Cringe & Facepalm; Funny; Interesting; Memes; Oddly Satisfying; Reddit Meta; Marketing elective courses. Really interesting and sorta easy. This Elective Group will help you supplement your major program with important skills for success in the job market. It's worth 6 credits because it's intensive. This course focuses on The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, You'll learn about some very interesting things in communication and language you never realized before. Students must replace any exempted ECON course that is required for the program (e. The Faculty of Arts and Science prepared an elective list for students looking for general electives. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, I disagree, I took it s an elective. hello! i’m a biology student looking to take some easy and possibly fun electives during the summer. OK, I see you meant your 48 other non-program credits and not the "General Education requirement" itself. The Department of Economics offers the following ECON elective courses during the Fall 2024. I personally like electives that don't rely too much on subjective grading because I find it harder to get good grades. The Computer Games option deals with the design and implementation of Go to Concordia r/Concordia Computer Engineering Electives . the quizzes are very straightforward, and they don't ask you any tricky questions whatsoever. New Concordia student here! I need a couple fun electives to boost my GPA and also require 24 credits to transfer from independent student into a program. Locked post. , ECON 201, 203) with another ECON course or with COMP Phys 273 on econcordia is a super easy elective, no math or anything. *There's an access fee of $70. Students must choose technical electives from the approved list in the Undergraduate Calendar. Important Links for Potential and New Students The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online OnlySchedule9589 The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, What's an easy elective for my general educative one? Anything besides Religion and Art, I mainly want to boost my GPA a little, but if you have one that you found really interesting I'd be Depends on you preferences. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Hello everyone, There’s too many computer science electives that seems very interesting but I I need one more course for my schedule if y'all can recommend some "easy" electives or as they say "GPA boosting" electives The RELI classes also look really interesting if you're interested in different cultures, but I haven't personally taken one to know how The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, I really need y’alls help forreal and it is to help me find an elective that can be used as a GPA booster. Reply reply The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia Yes exactly, and the workload is very heavy, specially for the final assignment. Some technical electives may not be offered in a given academic year. MARK 671. I’ve already taken BTM 200, so any other class like that one would be extremely helpful. Intro to computers (online class) is a total joke, but completely uninteresting. I regret taking Econ 201 this semester so I don’t wanna take any course with lot of reading. Tell us what cool electives you've taken and what made them interesting or unique! Share Add a Comment. It’s like a chore. Open comment sort The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à The Department of Economics offers the following ECON elective courses during the Summer 2024. You learn about natural Haven't seen it suggested, so I'll recommend geography courses--they don't get the spotlight a lot, but they are really interesting. Should students wish to take a course not listed below, they must Some of the online electives that used to be easy A courses have a completely different approach now. g. If, for example, a student takes a Philosophy course or an Acting course, this is considered a non-business elective. 5 credits). If not, you still have to finish your required classes anyway, so just deal with it. 9 Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design Note that, in case of disagreement in terms of course location or time between this site and your class schedule, your class schedule is correct. I believe PHIL-210 is on the list of acceptable electives for comp sci. It is an The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Any interesting electives to recommend? Hey guys, I’m going into film animation in the fall and was wondering if anyone can recommend any electives or have any particular subjects that they loved. Like phil235 was an easy A class because of the transcripts on eConcordia but they’ve removed them from the course material. Easy elective, you can get good chuck of works done in the first half of the semester. Sort by: The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Important considerations before requesting CR/NC. I mean, The reddit for students of Concordia University of The school is making me take another elective because of an exemption I had that they overlooked and only told me about 3 months before I'm supposed to graduate. The NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, are meant to stimulate interest in research in the The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. . One 3-credit elective course from another department; Term Two. Since you need 90 credits to graduate, the 48 credits you see are any other courses you can take to pad your credit requirement to i'm taking phil266 (online) right now, it's literally the easiest class!! there's a bit of reading to do but it's manageable; the readings can be confusing and hard to understand, but the class lectures clears everything up (also the lectures are like 8-10 mins long). The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online. I enjoyed PSYC 240 and PSYC 242; did well in both. Worth it if you want an easy elective: If you're self driven and understand math well, yes. The thing is I know PHIL 273 is too much reading. BTM 200 will always be recommend eventually to you, it's okay. Hello! Does anyone have any recommendation for electives this upcoming semester? I've looked at the electives page the University has but was wondering if there where any fun/interesting classes. Topics offered in these courses change overtime to ensure your program curriculum remains relevant. The Department of Economics offers the following ECON elective courses during the Winter 2025. However interesting isn’t a word I’d use to describe this course. Hello i need a gpa booster so i need an easy online elective so i can focus on my courses more i am biochem department so i cant take phys or bio as an elective The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Hi! It's me again, an exchange student taking electives at concordia. I want to take a philosophy class next term and was wondering which are the most interesting between PHIL 201, PHIL 210, PHIL 232, PHIL 233, PHIL 275, and PHIL 330. Reply reply The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Program on January 6, 2022. Interesting electives Hello dear community, I am looking for interesting courses to fill in my bachelor's. Honestly, just pick a few that seem interesting, add some that are easier and fit you schedule, and avoid the red flags (comp 371, The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Advice on Most Interesting/Relevant Math Elective for Comp Sci . I am a psychology major and was wondering what some good 200 and 300 electives were that I can take for either the fall 2020 semester or winter 2021 semester. A non-business elective is a course offered by a Faculty outside of John Molson. It studies the historical origins of Christianity with a view to understand the Christian tradition. What are some interesting electives in the Arts fac that I could take down the line? Share Add a Comment. Just looking to get the credit and hopefully not have to wake up at 8:30 three times a week lol Thank you! The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, what are some easy A electives to take? I'm taking 5 courses in the fall so I don't want to have to put much time and effort into getting a good grade for an elective. THEO 206 – Introduction to Christian Origins. Consumer Behaviour (3. assignments/problem sets are quite easy if you go to lectures, I'm on track to get Well I have to take some easy electives next to get done with my ECP. I want to learn stuff unrelated to my degree (CS) on this semester and thought about JOUR 205, do you think it's an interesting class? Is it easy or too difficult? I'm reading! Apart from that I'd wait 'til later on when you've completed all prerequisites in computer science so you can take 400 level COMP courses as your electives. Share According to the comment below I guess not but here are some options I found on CASA-JMSB fb page. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, I have lots of electives for my degree and would love some great profs Queer Horror, Framing the Prostitute, and more, I just don't know them all). 0 credits) Offered branding and managing brands as important company assets; offence-oriented and defence-oriented competitive strategies; and the measurement of marketing profitability and financial Concordia University Enrolment Services P. Hello, i’m an eng student and i want to take 2 easy electives this semester. Go to Concordia r Thats really good advice, thank you. Go to Concordia r/Concordia Interesting electives to take for fall and winter semester . SOCI 213; One or two SOCI courses at the 200 level; One or two 3-credit elective courses from another department; During their first 30 credits, students should complete their General Education requirements. 10. Interesting content and very understanding professor. Take courses for their interest intellectual content, not their ease. I feel like the distribution electives expand your mind far beyond your core program. You can't exactly go in there after only studying for 10 minutes beforehand. I don’t really know about the rest but whatever you do, don’t take Organic Chemistry 1 (chem 221) as an elective esp if you don’t need to. The culmination of the class was writing a 2 page paper on a religious institution you visited. 10/10 would suggest. 40. Refer to the University Calendar for the course descriptions. i’m gonna be taking two biology/chemistry courses but i want to balance it out with some less intense electives to make my summer as fun as i can. I enrolled in all my core classes and now I should enroll in a Humanities or Social Science elective. This course may be chosen from courses listed in Section 71. Screw you concordia. Those electives (taken from the undergraduate calendar) can be: General Electives. Normally, these are the last 45 credits. If you request a degree transfer or a modification to your program by adding a new minor, major, specialization or Honours program and a course previously taken as a CR/NC If you are a SOEN student, you may have a problem. Take a look at Econ318 or 319 Reply reply In the sciences category, I enjoyed MECH 221 and ENGR 251. Urgently need elective recommendations for the winter semester as I want to take an easy most of the electives im interested in are full and I just wanted to hear other people’s options and see if they are interesting. so i need a new elective that's extremely GEOL 204 is really fun and interesting. The opinions on this class are always very mixed. Personally, I found the class an easy A with about 30mins of work a week. From my understanding, as a SOEN student, you are not aloud to take math electives. So I struggle a lot at uni and I was wondering which electives for fall/winter 2020 that would be good to take (everything All the FFAR 298 courses have been really interesting and I think wouldn't change Hey I'm looking for 6 credit electives. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, SKYrocket2812. Interesting Electives Megathread . Can y’all provide me a list of the easiest electives (for eng) i can apply to ? The THEOs are closed Phys The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The The reddit for students of Concordia University [deleted] ADMIN MOD Easy Electives Winter 2021 . Some technical electives Consider the Elective Group in Sustainability Studies! Many of the most pressing issues of the day have to do with the way humans interact with the environment. Kim Kardashian; Just search electives on r/Concordia, you will get tons of options. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Honestly from my experience easy electives usually take more work because you gain your final grade from the many quizzes and essays you write during the semester. Thanks for reading :) EDIT: I’m majoring in Marketing and a minor in Commerce. The Faculty of Arts and Science also offers Elective groups, which are based on a theme (though there may be prerequisites I wrote a list of all the elective classes I have taken at Concordia for anyone looking for electives to take. ADMIN MOD What elective should I choose ? Student Question I have absolutly no Idea what to choose, Ill be begining my Bcomm Finance in Fall and know no one at the school Students must choose technical electives from the approved list in the Undergraduate Calendar. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, I’m just wondering if I can choose phys 273 as my general elective since it’s not part on the complementary studies for engineering and computer science list if it’s possible then. General Electives must be chosen from the following list: Computer Science Electives as mentioned above. Easy/interesting electives upvotes Concordia’s Easiest Electives (Updated Winter 2019) Your program is already tough enough. O. Particularly GEOG220 is a fun and engaging elective; it's human geography, so it explores how human activity occurs around the globe and why, and why in The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Members Online • [deleted] Easiest elective? (ECP) Student Question Theres lots to read and it seems you definitely need the book to do well, but overall the course wasn’t too difficult in my opinion and I found it very interesting. In fact, it can be argued that our very survival depends on our ability to interact in a sustainable way with the non-human components of the Earth. Span 200 remote. That sounds really interesting! A non-business elective is a course offered by a Faculty outside of John Molson. Remarkable-Tonight27 The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; I want to know which elective courses are easy for computer science students during their first year. Share Sort by: The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Hey, What are some easy 3 or more credit electives for mechanical enginering? Many thanks, A tired student The reddit for students of Concordia University of Members Online • Laysthechip . 110 Complementary Studies for Engineering and Computer Science Students. Please note the following: The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Members Online • Electrical-Trust4055. We provide interdisciplinary opportunities through interdisciplinary programs, individually structured programs, elective groups, microprograms and interdisciplinary courses. Concordia University’s online courses, based on award-winning designs, offer you the flexibility you need to Hey yall! I'm currently stuck at the end of my time at Concordia trying to find interesting electives to finish my bachelor's degree. All other are history courses can be taken in any order. A POLI 219 - Interesting material! TAs were horrible, though. New comments cannot be posted. my opinion as someone interested in the computational and cognitive aspects of linguistics is that 222 has an extremely fluid format and is insanely interesting/will change the way you look at lots of things. Help me outttttf Students must choose technical electives from the approved list in the Undergraduate Calendar. The minimum length of the program is 120 credits. Each semester you take between 12-15 credit for full time, let's say you do 15, you can calculate the number of elective credit 15-6=9 credit for the SOEN electives, so 3 classes of 3 credit or 2 classes of 4 credit Students must complete at least 16 credits chosen from the BEng in Software Engineering electives list. I once took a biomedical class that taught us all about the legal aspects of medical assistance. reading material is genuinely interesting The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, (something about social media). e tests, midterm, and final) and preferably not proctored. Need easy online elective . concordia. 3 small review papers, 3 easy quiz and midterm and you get grades from An ESL course or an introductory course that deals with the acquisition of a language will not be considered as a General Education elective or a General Elective. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Class-specific Just thought I would let you know about the easiest elective I’ve had, POLI 208. Students are required to take ARTH 201 and ARTH 202 in their first year of study, and ARTH 300 in their second year. Sort by: No_Row1608 • Phys 200 is easy as fuck and you learn fun concepts of physics, is very interesting. Students in the Computer Engineering program are required to complete at least one work term administered by either CIADI (see Section 71. This isn't a list of "easy" or "difficult" classes but more a comprehensive explanation of Hi everyone, I was wondering if there are any fun or interesting electives you’d recommend for a first year? Biol 203: Intro to nutrition, practical and fun + prof is really nice and engaging. Townsend is a cool prof too (dry at lectures but cool dude in general). This is what electives are meant for: 1) to give a more broad knowledge set and 2) give you insight into other fields in case you find one you're more interested in. and of course it's Not exactly user friendly for everyone when you get into the details of it *The exam is a bit more challenging. 110) is not the same as a technical elective (Section 71. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. i spend max 1 hour on this class every week. I'm in the Computer Games option. phil 235: biomedical ethics, online, super easy interesting if you like philosophy. Important Links for Potential and New Students looking for 200+ level electives that are interesting/fun. Some technical electives Are classes interesting?: some classes are, some aren't. Any ideas of the easiest electives to take? Thank . Sort by: Best. GEOL 204, 206, 208 are interesting and open to anyone. I’d recommend Mana 298 out of anything for electives, it’s just being present in class and taking notes particularly when the prof goes over the cases. Mathematics Electives as mentioned above. Hi everyone, I gotta take 2 courses of math electives for the Comp Sci program, but I can't decide You have 27 credits available to you for electives, or a minor. You have to be very specific and concise when you answer the exam questions, thats the main thing. Class-specific I know this question is asked a lot but what are the easiest electives to take in 2022. Idk if the course code was 273 but just look for Energy and the environent. ADMIN MOD Easiest electives to take in Concordia . The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. I'm just worried about getting too overwhelmed with my electives and not being able to pass my program courses. Unfortunately, the normal general electives list has only 3 credit courses (except one that is 3. She's super supportive, interesting lecturer, designs her program with lots of ways to earn grades outside of writing Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. More posts you may like TOPICS. Phys Find out which Concordia electives are an easy A and lighten your courseload this semester. Box 2002, Station H Montreal, QC Always select electives that are available to INDU students. I just want an ez elective to boost my GPA. Good class, interesting material and an easy A class. Please select the program of interest from the list below to see what courses are on offer in the 2024-2025 academic year. Students are encouraged to take a variety of 200 and 300 level art history courses, those which interest them and allow them to discover the breadth of the discipline. Central 514-848-2424 | Emergency 514-848-3717 It is a pretty easy course with a very light workload and it is quite interesting. 4 quizzes throughout the semester, 1 and 2 quiz start off super easy but gets s bit more complicated, don’t remember any big assignments. ADMIN MOD Comp sci, easy electives . The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of Tiohtià:ke/Montreal. It What are some of the best courses/electives you've taken @ Concordia? Fina 200 personal finance ( absolutely amazing and USEFUL ) Mana 298 business law ( it's always good to have a minimum knowledge of law, you'll never know when it will be useful ) I personally think one should not seek "easy" electives, but electives to distribute your knowledge more generally. Make a note of those that interest you. What are some easy A+ electives that I can take during the summer? AHSC courses are really interesting, but they use a really bizarre grading rubric. BComm students I will take an Internship and Acco 465 this Winter and am considering taking easy electives. Scientific electives are very interesting. MANA 667. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives The reddit for students of Concordia University of As a JMSB student (I mention this because some of the business electives does not count towards my credits), I wonder if there are any fun/easy electives that I can take apart from chem 208, preferably The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online • [deleted Too many useful and interesting electives, but I cant pick a lot. taking both this semester as a ling major, although I have charles reiss (daniela's husband) for 222. My schedule is also pretty full already, so an online course would be ideal but I'm open to Here is a list of the easiest classes at Concordia University. I’m leaning more towards the last two, but I don’t want to jump into anything too complicated since it would be my first university philosophy class. They are Engineering courses though, be warned. Pretty interesting too imo. The program in Computer Engineering consists of the Engineering Core, the Computer Engineering Core, and Electives. Always select electives that are available to INDU students. I think it comes down to the marking as it seems rather arbitrary and you MUST go above a basic understanding to get an A on the assignments, rather than just answering what is asked. By choosing an easy elective you gain both in time and stress management! I have separated your ideal picks into three categories from which you can make a well-thought Does anyone have any super easy elective recommendations for fall 2021? Preferably with the least studying and writing/essays as possible. The reddit for students of Concordia University of better than doing those other electives that involve a lot of writing or being drunk 24/7 to open your mind to our vast universe in order to come up with some crackhead of an . Honorable mentions to chem 217 and biol 261 that are generally medium difficulty but very time consuming "easy" is subjective and honestly in most soci courses you'll always end up reading&writing essays so my advice as a sociology student is instead of looking for seemingly "light" workloads, find courses that interest you so it'll be "easier" for you to get through the readings and write/critically think about the discussed topics (but make sure to check the profs as well). 1). Corporate Governance (3. OP is asking about Technical electives (400-level engineering specialization courses from Section 71. Engr 201 is not an optional course, it is already part of the course sequence. I went to ask Vicky Tow last semester, and if I understood correctly, the math electives are for computer science students only. Prof is particularly engaging and funny in a chuckle way (imo) as well. The reddit for students of Concordia University [deleted] Computer Science Electives . THEO 202,THEO 201, EXCI 233,FINA 200, 210, INST 250, SPAN 200 , BIOL 203, PHIL 210, IRST 228. I'm looking for an elective that will help me improve my writing skills (specifically in writing fiction) and each English course that I look at says that I need to complete the one prior to it or complete a placement test; because of this I'm confused on where to start. Anyone know any good 1 or 4 credit non-engineering courses that aren't weed-out courses and don't require previous prereqs? 38K subscribers in the Concordia community. Internet Art History notes. These are very interesting and, although challenging, will increase your programming skills tremendously. I've got most electives figured out, except I'm torn between these for the grammars, finite automata, turing machines, etc. Study established or emerging academic fields, pursue an honours degree, combine subjects, or add a Degree Requirements. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; The reddit for students of Concordia University of I am exempted from macroeconomics (ECON 203) because I took it in CEGEP. General Education Elective. I've taken PHIL210, PHIL235, GEOG203, and ECON201 already (all were fun, actually). Degree seeking students are required to do elective credits — courses that are not a part of your program of study. All students may register for any of the elective courses listed below, including those offered by the Interdisciplinary Studies Area of the Faculty of Fine Arts. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Question Hello guys! I am an Engineering student (Mechanical transferring to Software) and I am looking for an interesting but easy general elective to take this summer or next fall/winter as part of my degree. For now, the two electives I enrolled in are FFAR 298 BLACK REPRESENTATION IN ARTS and EXCI 202. who have completed any 601-series Cegep courses or who have attended a Francophone Cegep may ONLY obtain credits for Concordia French Language courses at the 400 level (FRAA 400-498). Classes that have interesting subject matter, whether or not they are 'easy' or blow-off classes. Im in Human Relations BA, starting in September. Hi everyone! 2nd year Marketing student here! I plan on taking major courses and harder classes like COMM 308 and comm 225 in the coming fall and winter, and I was wondering if anyone knew any fun and interesting electives? The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Educ 230 or btm 200, educ 230 is really interesting and you only have to write a response/paper, take computer science elective because is interesting and it could be helpful for your future career. I’m enrolled in reli 216 yet I’ve been hearing PHIL 235 - I thought it was interesting and straightforward, but you have to actually read. 200 level psyc are interesting and easy, but get booked up real fast. Elective courses for Concordia Compsci Undergraduate The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Any_Salad5615 . This course focuses on The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, are no longer offered in the summer, I'm planning on taking an elective as a fourth course. ca. It is a very easy Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. I am in an anthropology specialization (so no need for anthro recommendations), and I would be interested in learning about a myriad of things. I've heard exci 202 is The major in Economics requires the completion of 24 credits (8 courses). INST 250 – Introductory Information Literacy Skills. The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Despite the mediocre class, the material was slightly controversial, very interesting, and enlightening. this class was in fact interesting and the professor was super super friendly. Very interesting and also super useful for classes like compiler design, ai The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online Winter 2022 Electives? The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, BTM200 , or theo202 literally easiest elective EVER Reply reply iscreamintotheabyss • FINA 200 is a bit challenging if you're not great with math but it teaches a lot of important things Reply The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real The reddit for students of Concordia University of Easy online electives . For anything related to Montréal, or posted by users from Montréal, or users having once thought of Montréal. Electives can be chosen from the Faculties of Arts and Science, Fine Arts, and the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. Determine how many courses you will take per term. I also took SOEN 287 with Goodarzi and found it pretty easy and very interesting. Supplement your core classes with lots of varied electives and you'll have a good mix of classes that hopefully you find interesting. Like any SOCI or ANTH course there's a good amount of readings but the assignments are fairly easy. Further note that the following courses cannot be taken for credit as part of your program: ENCS 6031, ENCS 6041, ENCS 6042, ENCS 6821, For admission related questions email graduate-admission@encs. 1. A- RELI 214 - In person, but really easy. Otherwise what are you paying all that money for? (Excerpts of available classes in Concordia: TPER201, THEA316, FFAR398B, ARTH298, ARTH271, ENGL224) Science electives. Capstone Design Project course (SOEN 490 or COEN 490) extend over two academic terms. Any recommendation for me? Share Sort by: Go to Concordia r/Concordia Or just any interesting elective classes. 400-level ECON courses (undergraduate) Please consult Review these recommended elective courses. See course lists in the Undergraduate Calendar. Easy Elective classes. Best summer electives? I'm in Computer Science ECP, and need to get department permission for a 1 or 4 credit elective (non-engineering). It was a subject I would have probably never touched on if it was not for that class. would def recommend:) The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; The reddit for students of Concordia University of Hey guys, I'm enrolled in a few electives for the summer and fall semesters, but I need to weed out the ones that are the worst and have bad teachers. And a general studies elective (Section 71. Please contact the College to report errors or in case of any questions or comments. For information about delivery mode, location, instructor names, and prerequisites, please refer to the course schedule accessible via the Student Hub. (I already took history and a psychology class) Thank you very much for your time :))) comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. I'm in need of a class that requires minimal effort due to my busy schedule, and ideally, I'm looking for a GPA booster. 0 credits) Concordia University Enrolment Services P. Otherwise just highlight important parts in your book since it’s just three exams, all open book. Step 4. General Discussion i forget his name but it was a very interesting class Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . Anyone know of any cool electives? It doesn’t necessarily need to be easy, but something interesting with a cool prof who’s a good Below, you will find a list of courses that are open to all students. 39K subscribers in the Concordia community. 1) which he needs to take during his last year. All Engineering students must complete three credits of General Education.