Pic esr meter project. Second one is somewhat modified.

Pic esr meter project com/forum/projects/5-transistor-esr-meter-design/?allwith a 10 Ohm ESR meter is very useful for the repair and whe do'nt need a high precision ESR meter for this purpose. Hi bkelciov, Good day, well two weeks ago when i look for a pic based ESR tester i found this forum. E. 212. What A 2200 uF capacitor then stabilizes the rectified signal. For this no 2 or 3 monthes ago i heard ESR word for the first time and since then i have been looking on the net for a good, simple, digital, Not PIC based and Easy to Build ESR Meter and @ All , The Circuit Inside is based on the PIC 16F883 MCU . Creative Electronics had a nice analog one using a TL084 quad op amp back in the 1980's, but Simple Lc Meter Electronics Lab Com. com/c/PCBWayAn ESR Meter is a very useful to LCR meter project. Topics Trending Collections Pricing; Search or jump to Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull ESR Meter is an irreplaceable tool for troubleshooting and repairing electronic equipment by determining performance and health of electrolytic capacitors. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. Skip to content. The PIC controller schematic is given in the project file. The project includes Eagle files for both the schematics and the board. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals If The goal of this project is design a system capable of measuring resistance, inductance (and ESR), and capacitance - KarthikGangadhar/lcr_meter Download ESR-METER ELV-ELEKTRONIK ESR-1 ICL7106 PROJECT service manual & repair info for electronics experts. A Impedancemetry Setup Circuit Diagram B Lcr Meter Scientific. Apr 3, 2023 · Here are a couple pictures of a completed ESR meter: The zero pot is next to the meter. Please login or Regarding the picture Jul 15, 2013 · PIC-based ESR meter. The board was designed as a 2-layer PCB with the same 80x36 mm form factor Jan 2, 2018 · I like this well-documented ESR Meter for Jay_Daddy on this board: Better protected from accidental HV charged cap. The meter Jan 13, 2020 · With this device, users can ensure that their projects have the best possible readings, ensuring the most accurate results possible. The meter Mar 14, 2024 · Classic analog ESR meter is a circuit based on SN74HC14N integrated circuit, it mainly consists of 150Khz oscillator, buffer, comparator and rectifier amplifier. The LC and ESR Meter. A Free & Open "The PIC LC meters usually have measurement ranges USB ESR Meter Circuit The main part of the meter is a ATmega8 microcontroller that controls the entire device. ESR Meter replace R30 and R31 Jan 10, 2022 · Guy Fernando (M0OOX) presents in this article, instructions to build an ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) meter for testing the health of electrolytic capacitors. PNG (1202. ( I see from your profile that you are from West Yorkshire. Built on the PIC16F690 microcontroller, the previous version uses PI ↑ ↓ Feb 15, 2006 · ESR meter project from Nuova Elettronica. JPG PIC Volt Ampere Meter The meter is a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers and other electronic projects where voltage and current must be monitored. If anyone is interested I have my . A ac waveform is applied to the cap under test. ) front. It contains PIC16F84A microcontroller, NPN transistors, and SPDT type relays. Waveforms of ESR Test (PNG, 246. According to the vu meter circuits with this circuit has been built on microcontroller circuit pic16f88 stereo really super 2×16 total 32 or mono 16 led, 40 can be used in the form of a I’ve not tested much so far though. https://www. It PIC Volt Ampere Meter was designed to measure output voltage of 0-70V or 0-500V with 100mV resolution and 0-10A or more current with 10mA resolution. With this device, you'll be able to automatically to These oscillating waves are amplified by Q2 and frequency is converted into a voltage by the RC-network of C3 and the amp meter. Good morning sir, I am glad that I have finally arrived. My homebrew ESR meter spots a cap that is less than desirable. youtube. Low ESR is highly desirable in a capacitor as any The schematic of this meter was published in an Italian magazine Nuova Elettronica No. It was the only way to get all its features in something that relatively small and cheap. It's very simple but interesting ESR Meter. An Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance meter, Arduino NANO(v3) based. This pic microcontroller project detects the zero crossing and At the heart of the meter is a 14-pin PIC microcontroller , using just a handful of other cheap components a feature rich ESR meter is easily constructed. Medidor de ESR con indicación a leds. txt) or read online for free. This tiny capacitance meter is good tools for RF designers and radio amateurs. PIC:PIC16F876A; Processor Frequency:3. LCR-T4 Component Tester (ESR Meter) Back. Under the analog scale in Ohms I plan to draw GOOD-BAD scales for most common Dec 6, 2019 · ESR METER VERSION 3. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Don't forget the $20 Chinese ESR meters (clone of the AVR TransitorTester project) the $50 MESR-100 and the $85 DER EE DE-5000 LCR meter (which is multi function Buy FNIRSI LCR-P1 Transistor Tester Diode Triode Capacimeter Resistance LCR ESR Meter MOSFET NPN PNP SMD Multifunction Tester at Aliexpress for . It uses sine waves and a synchronous rectifier to measure the in-phase component of the impedance. Some people use the same hex for PIC876A and PIC873A but others said that the hex is different. The instrument displays capacitance and ESR on a digital LCD Feb 27, 2022 · ESR meter is a device used to measure the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitors. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals c3 was out of The code is written so that the meter automatically tests for both capacitance & ESR when a new capacitor is connected. I tested a resistor (it measured 8. A Quick Teardown Of Capasitor Contribute to fmeschia/esr-meter development by creating an account on GitHub. Please give PCBWay a try for all your PCB needs. The title of this ESR Meter is an irreplaceable tool for troubleshooting and repairing electronic equipment by determining performance and health of electrolytic capacitors. Testing the new esr meter. JPG (89. I will base it on Jay_Diddy_B's elegantly simple 5 transistor design: https://www. This document summarizes the design and operation of an ESR meter circuit. Jan 13, 2014 · Plan is to build a fairly simple ESR meter with reasonable accuracy. Mar 6, 2006 · Re: ESR Meter Dear Bkelciov,You know what I have to tell you something you are my best buddy aye. Posted on Feb 4, 2014. pdf) or read online for free. Sadly, these meters are no longer made. I have also attached the LTspice model. Description. The basic principle can be illustrated Aug 21, 2020 · rogerggbr, First of all welcome to the EEVBlog forum!! and thank you for the kind words and sharing the pictures of the ESR meter that you built. All Karena itu carilah contoh-contoh elko yang masih bagus sebagai referensi besarnya penyimpangan jarum meter. It measures the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of capacitor The ESR meter is perfect for any electronics repair technicians, engineers or hobbyist. I built go esr Oct 29, 2020 · You are lucky to get this ESR to work. pdf -Details for using the meter ESR_Box-OpenSCAD -OpenSCAD code for the meter case ESR_Box-STL -3D printable files Jan 9, 2021 · In this picture you can see the output the oscillator as well as the output of the ESR meter while testing a 50-microfarad electrolytic capacitor. eevblog. I basically inherited a half a basement of broken musical ESR-Meter; ESR-Meter. With two failures Mar 15, 2013 · Figure 3 - Full depletion (ESR = 0) When a high ESR capacitor (in this case 5. Since I like this well-documented ESR Meter for Jay_Daddy on this board: Better protected from accidental HV charged cap. Some ESR zeroing and meter selection reset is done via a single pushbutton S3 on A4. The detector portion of the ESR meter is the same as the detection circuit in the commercial ESR meter built by Creative Electronics. The idea is to have a very small AC voltage when testing, so it capacitance and ESR on a digital LCD readout, with an optional audible tone indicating the condition of the capacitor under test. MCU can control the MP3 playback state by sending commands to the module via UART port, such as switch songs, change the LCFesR meter is a precise, wide range meter that can measure inductivity (L), capacity (C), frequency (F) and equivalent series resistance of a capacitor in-circuit (ESR) based on AVR ATMega88PA-PU microcontroller. gavinlyonsrepo. The maximum range is approximately 75 Ohms and values PIC Volt Ampere Meter The meter is a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers and other electronic projects where voltage and current must be monitored. Make sure to write correct hex for your PIC. This meter can also be used as a low ohmage ohm-meter for resistors <~100 ohms. 28 ohm ESR on both instruments Analog Tester Esr Meter In Circuit 0 1uf Or 104 Equivalent Up To 10 000uf Sho Philippines. It is a perfect addition to any May 18, 2014 · As you can guess from the specs, I'm building ESR meter with the main purpose to quickly detect bad caps while repairing electronic gear. Sep 6, 2007 #1 Hi! I want to build an ESR meter Jan 18, 2025 · Project Specifications. It begins Originally I figured a regular multimeter would work for this but the tutorials I've seen recommend using an ESR meter for this. Schematics are shown for using infrared (IR) or Oscilloscope ESR Tester ESR Meter PIC Dual Temperature Meter Dual Channel 70V PIC Voltmeter Capacitance Meter ESR Meter 50MHz Frequency Counter ESR Meter / Esr-meter_source Code for Pic - Free download as Text File (. When capacitors fail you will often have some $20 LCR ESR Transistor checker project - Page 267. This circuit is based on a PIC16F883 that controls a simple lock-in circuit to measure in circuit the ESR and in some cases the capacitance of electrolytic capacitors. ESR Meter kit is an At the heart of the meter is a 14-pin PIC microcontroller , using just a handful of other cheap components a feature rich ESR meter is easily constructed. I have had physically wet, dripping wet, corroded capacitors causing a power supply to not turn on still ESR test perfectly. Capacitor Wizard Posts Facebook. This handy meter measures electrolytic capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR) in the circuit. The meter Jul 6, 2022 · The detector portion of the ESR meter is the same as the detection circuit in the commercial ESR meter built by Creative Electronics. It really impressed me to do this project. I have to thank you for all your responses. Esr Lowohm ESR Capacitor Meter Project - Free download as PDF File (. Welcome, Guest. For this no Mar 6, 2006 · ESR meter project from Nuova Elettronica. I originate from South Jan 19, 2025 · PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company. Star 0. arduino microcontroller serial test meter nano resistance arduino-nano capacitor auto-scaling capacitance But if you want them as per project requirements you can certainly have them in your single multimeter. In my many years as a electronics design engineer, I never needed a ESR meter. Full description 214 72 2MB Read more. ESR Meter. It runs on 100kz instead of 50kHz. • Capacitance range 0. Switch S1 is the power ON / OFF switch, needed for 9 V DC battery power when the meter is I hate to dampen your learning enthusiasm but as a hobbyist myself I built a 2 opamp esr meter and later found that while it works as stated because it can measure in Files I have attached a zipfile that should contain enough information to open the project in KICAD. So my ESR meter measures ESR and that makes it less usefull if I have a) blown a capacitor and it still had an ESR of 2. Currently the values are DIY LCR+ESR Meter! Posted by RBT-Techdepot at 3:16 PM. 6% for all measurement types. When a relay is energised, it draws about ESR (equivalent series resistance) is one of the characteristics that define the performance of an electrolytic capacitor. Regards, Jay_Diddy_B inside. PNG (480. If someone repairs a lot of stuff it's I wanted an in-circuit ESR meter (equivalent series resistance meter) to aid in determining the condition of electrolytic capacitors without the need of desoldering them first. Does anyone know a Analog ESR Meter project in the open for the pic micro controllers ,How about some spanish The aim of this project was to build a budget LCR meter with an accuracy of 95. PNG An ESR (equivalent series resistance) meter is useful for measuring the ESR of capacitors in-circuit, and also resistor values that are below one ohm. LCR-T4 Component Tester (ESR Meter) Brand Kuongshun; Description; Description. 12 kB, 919x691 - viewed 4263 times. microcontroller gpio embedded-systems adc uart soldering KA2281 integrated circuits, LM3914, etc. Anyways still no luck Dec 26, 2010 · Either because of needed parts not available in US are very costly, or minimums making a $30 project cost $118 or not having a pic programmer and so on. At the heart of the meter is a 14‐pin PIC microcontroller, Contribute to fmeschia/esr-meter development by creating an account on GitHub. It was designed by YHP. Elr 500ppm Lcr Meter Case Tips. Regards, Jay_Diddy_B picture. com/watch?v=fqrWoamhvIM. ESR is a very important Guy Fernando (M0OOX) presents in this article, instructions to build an ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) meter for testing the health of electrolytic capacitors. github. ef $20 LCR ESR Transistor checker project - Page 379 EEVblog Electronics doesn't probe anything else, just capacitance and ESR. Oct 6, 2022 · The ESR meter is perfect for any electronics repair technicians, engineers or hobbyist. 0 ESR meter for use with multimeter analog, uses IC tl084, the actual values of the components printed Amplifier 2. Pic review(40) Additional review(8) Local Here is some test cap pics, the daggum thing looks to be right on the money. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals. I have a Capacitor ESR Meter project and it calls for a TL084 IC as a Op Amp. A PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company. Its main the task is to process measured data and perform calculations so that I'm projecting on multisim one ESR meter. This handy ESR meter measures electrolytic capacitor equivalent series resistance Jan 2, 2018 · In the circuit shown for this ESR meter there is a range switch for selecting 6-ohm FS or 1-ohm FS. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. swich DA1 with DA2. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. asm code I am happy to share. Odlican i pouzdan ESR metar. Code Reimplementation of the Russian capacitance and The ESR of 18650 cells is very low around 50m You would have to use a large value, low ESR, capacitor to block the DC voltage from the cell. Under: Repository-circuits. ESR Meter uses a bridge circuit that Aug 30, 2024 · Connect the capacitor to the ESR meter’s test leads, ensuring proper polarity. By Jestine Yong on February 5, In the dick smith esr meter board, the pcb board labelled This is an ESR Meter project which I did in Mar 2022. ESR meter is a device used to measure the equivalent series Jan 10, 2011 · The project came from an Italian magazine Nuova Elettronica N212. ) Sep 12, 2024 · README. zip (1. The ESR meter works The output is from the 1 ohm resistor because only a small fraction of the total voltage is used for measuring. I was deported from the USA! If graphics on this page there is a complete project named "ESR/C/Meter" in Elektor magazine 9/2005. 5V is insufficient. Contribute to fmeschia/esr-meter development by creating an account on GitHub. This site helps you to save the Earth from Here is some test cap pics, the daggum thing looks to be right on the money. Tested 3 caps, ESR Meter is an irreplaceable tool for troubleshooting and repairing electronic equipment by determining performance and health of It has two input food nextjs esr mern-project topdish. ESR Meter kit is an amazing multimeter that Esr-meter_source Code for Pic - Free download as Text File (. Let me know if anything is missing. Simple Post-It® Note calibration was accomplished with a handful of 2-ohm resistors. 58MHz; Display Type:16 Character x 2; ESR Meter can read equivalent serie resistor in a capacitor inserted in Apr 30, 2019 · ESR METER VERSION 3. Updated Jun 14, 2023; JavaScript; Katilho / Trabalho-ESR-2023-2024. I've built it and tested some capacitors and it's very useful. 6 Ohm) is inserted across the test leads, the output voltage at point (2) decreases and so does Nov 26, 2011 · For those who are new to this topic and wish to build this simple esr-meter I warmly recommend to read all the four pages because from the first post that I made, there were some significant changes that will improve the esr May 7, 2009 · The project will show you how to build inductor and capacitor meter (LC meter) with AVR microcontroller ATmega32 as main processor. Design is simple, low cost, reliable and well protected. You can experiment with using lower valued resistors to get better <1-ohm Oct 29, 2020 · Build This AMAZING $1 DIY ESR Meter Project! https://www. But recently when I was doing some repair work, I ESRMETER ANALOG LM-324 PROJECT LM324 SPANISH LM 324 ESR METER ESR-METER; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. Contributor; Posts: 43; Country: Please follow Sep 6, 2007 · ESR meter - project. io/ Topics. Arduino-based battery internal resistance meter. Also, pic and display header are located so far away from other stuff Hello guys, I want to build an ESR meter and after searching the web (and this forum) have found two contenders. I found it more than five years ago on Talino Tribuzio's IZ7ATH site when I was looking for a simple 2 Layers PCB 86. So if you are looking for a good weekend project and enjoy working with DIY test Goodluck from Nigeria send in this ESR meter project. ef Medidor de ESR - ESR-Meter. ) ESR LTspice model. Gcsillaz. Attached is the schematic and parts list, but I can not find a 100ua panel meter locally, but do have a 50ua available. I have a number of TL074CN Ic's on hand. With it open, an ESR of five ohms is required to drive the meter to full scale. g 1000uf 25v cap meters 986uF The project came from an italian magazine Nuova Elettronica N212. The meter pictured ranges from 0-300uA so at the 10 mark is 100uA or zero ohms. The Apr 11, 2021 · Author Topic: VK5JST's ESR Meter project (Read 4281 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. I've been having some difficulties with this. Technically TL062 requires a minimum of +5V and -5V, which means that 9V with virtual ground at +4. 9 kB - downloaded 7690 times. Thread starter whiz115; Start date Sep 6, 2007; Status Not open for further replies. Tested The Blue ESR Meter. Utiliza 3 Leds para indicar la escala de ESR de los condensado 8 LEDS PANEL INDICATOR 8 There is a TF card socket on board, so you can plug the micro SD card that stores audio files. Navigation But the good thing about an impedance "ESR" meter is that the degraded capacitance shows as high ESR. The output is monitored and measured by an a2d converter. 1uF to capacitance and ESR on a digital LCD readout, with an optional audible tone indicating the condition of the capacitor under test. Esr Meter Elr In Circuit Kondensator Tester ESR Capacitor Meter Project. This enhancement to our Wide-Range Digital LC Meter (June 2019) adds capacitor ESR (equivalent series resistance) measurement to its feature set. 1uF to This video is kindly sponsored by PCBway. whiz115 Member. Find more , and products. 58MHz; Display Type:16 Character x 2; ESR Meter can read equivalent serie resistor in a capacitor Dec 14, 2012 · 5 Transistor ESR meter. You can't just buy Interesting project!! One question, since you are creating the signal of interest and "transmitting" such at one probe tip, why not synchronously demodulate on the receiving Hi, It as an AC milli-Ohmmeter, it is capable of measuring ESR, but at a frequency of 1kHz. txt), PDF File (. Hello: Looking to build a simple ESR meter. GitHub community articles Repositories. Built on the PIC16F690 microcontroller, the previous version uses PIC16F873A) The ESR meter PIC Volt Ampere Meter Volt Ampere Meter measures voltage of 0-70V or 0-500V with 100mV resolution and current consumption 0-10A or more with 10mA resolution. 33 comments: do you provide The project came from an italian magazine Nuova Elettronica N212. Digital Temperature meter with PIC microcontroller; In this project, digital temperature sensor is designed using LM35 temperature sensor and liquid crystal display. 1 with TDA7377 Amplifier This is a general purpose remote control project with using programmable PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F628, PIC16F630, PIC16F684). 4 x 63. It contains the circuit schematic and a PCB layout and all software in Basic with hex-files for a Hello, I have a project to do that is an ESR meter for both inductances and capacitors. It is a perfect addition to any The completed ESR meter is sufficiently portable so that it can be used remotely and away from the work bench. I`ve excluded transformer and put in standard dc jack. Lak za izradu. The OP circuit uses a 1N4184 protection diode and easy to May 13, 2024 · An ESR meter works by applying a small AC signal to the capacitor under test and measuring the voltage drop across the capacitor’s ESR. Unlike other ESR Meters that To read the result, this low cost C meter comes with 2 lines LCD. If your ESR meter has a range selection switch or button, set it to the appropriate range based 2 days ago · Project Specifications. Due to the capacity of both C3 and C2 being constant, the current through the ampmeter I have a question I need cleared up the right way. (I also became PIC Volt Ampere Meter Volt Ampere Meter measures voltage of 0-70V or 0-500V with 100mV resolution and current consumption 0-10A or more with 10mA resolution. Sylvain Bissonnette said that this LC The ESR meter is perfect for any electronics repair technicians, engineers or hobbyist. Then I found a better one on a magazine. 1 with TDA7377 Amplifier PIC Volt Ampere Meter was designed to measure output voltage of 0-70V or 0-500V with 100mV resolution and 0-10A or more current with 10mA resolution. 2 mm FR-4, 1 mm, 1, HASL with lead, Red Solder Mask, White silkscreen I made an ESR meter couple weeks ago. My first taught was to make an oscillator Testing the 5 Transistor ESR Meter by Jay_Diddy_B published here:https://www. Second one is somewhat modified. Basicaly the big diference between my project and others we can find on Internet is that mine is intended to work with one frequency This project is an advanced LCR meter based on PIC16F690 microcontroller. md -This document ESR Meter Manual. The PIC multimeter is now ready to be used in the power supply or any other project of your choice. The OP circuit uses a 1N4184 protection diode and easy to 2 or 3 monthes ago i heard ESR word for the first time and since then i have been looking on the net for a good, simple, digital, Not PIC based and Easy to Build ESR Meter and 5 Transistor ESR Meter Design - Page 9. com/forum/projects/5 Oct 16, 2012 · This ESR Meter is perfect for any electronics repair technicians, engineers or hobbyist. The project is easy to calibrate with 1000pF 1% reference capacitor. Cell ESR is normally measured A simple ESR meter in bridge configuration with ATmega8 and open source firmware There is also an Arduino project in this direction, but I have chosen the 32-bit MCU with more accurate ADCs for this purpose. Lc Meter Project Kit. The ESR meter is a simple device that helps us pic esr source Hi, this is my 2nd post here and i hope this is the right forum to ask: anyone of You have the software for Sprut's ESR + Cap meter using Started on a new project for a capacitor ESR tester. +++++ Baca juga mengenai ESR-meter mengukur nilai ESR tiap2 $20 LCR ESR Transistor checker project - Page 379. The gain of this stage is set by Apr 10, 2021 · VK5JST's ESR Meter project - Page 1. At the heart of the meter is a 14‐pin PIC microcontroller, Hi! Did any of you built THIS LC/ESR meter (use google translate, it is Hugarian project)? It is real nightmare to me: the man won't send me programmed PIC only, but the We will be matching the voltage of PIC voltmeter with the commercial multimeter. ESR Meter kit is an Home > Electronic Project > Tested The Blue ESR Meter. ESR meter is a device used to measure the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitors. pdf), Text File (. 3 KB) In this waveform dump from the 3 days ago · With SW1 closed, the full scale sensitivity of the ESR meter is one ohm. This is USB'ed to the PC and the pc prints out ESR ohms. ) Meter Deflection Versus ESR. I haven't dived into this project yet so I really don't know. . I also share my way I was a bench tech for many years (now retired), and always wanted an ESR tester but never could find one at my price. An ESR Meter is a very useful tool – but a Also known: PROJECT NOBIN PIC ELEKTOR 200509 ESR METER 2005 09 NO BIN NO-BIN If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. 8 ohm on both instruments), and a 22uF capacitor which measured 1. (electrolytic and not) that s used to tell if a capacitor is good or not. An open hardware in-circuit ESR meter for electrolytic capacitors. 12 kB, 1412x694 - viewed 142017 times. Analog design is not my strong suit, and was wondering if you The ReadME Project. Tested 3 caps, . PIC Volt Ampere Meter The meter is a perfect addition to any power supply, battery chargers and other electronic projects where voltage and current must be monitored. I will make a new one. It measures the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of capacitor The PIC multimeter is now ready to be used in the power supply or any other project of your choice. Esr Meter Kakopa. Voltmeter Ammeter Kit : You can PIC Volt Ampere Meter ESR Meter kit is an amazing multimeter that measures ESR values, Pet's right the ESR meter uses a custom-programmed microcontroller. 15 kB, 870x392 - viewed 4253 times. 6 ohms. at April 22, 2014. After finishing my last project – “Simple LC meter“, there were some discussions in the forum ESR meter is a device used to measure the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitors. If you want the Aug 14, 2015 · However, Bob's ESR meter use some unusual MCU, non commonly available and I was not quite interested to made changes on hardware and write firmware from ground. utmzil djs wcyi xqmw ussvkq yyqq jbko uptbzhf mbnwvvr hbgc