Roblox lookvector. However, it seems to be looking away from the target.
Roblox lookvector LookVector (and I think you can go from the puncher to their CFrame by something like: Character. Basically, if you remove the root. Note that the part will always be facing in a random direction. Since it is a UnitVector, if you add it to another Vector3 / position the will position move one stud in that direction. You only add each one if their corresponding directional key is pressed. Any idea how to fix it May 4, 2022 · Hey there! I was wondering how I could add a lookvector to a vector3: Anyone got ideas? I’m bad at math. Value = true vecset = sp Feb 6, 2024 · Hi Guys, so I was messing around with LookVector today and saw a property called LookVector. Name = ("whatever name you want") newBullet. Z) local xAngle = math. Move:Connect(function() local pos = mouse. Swing:Play() wait(. LookVector), it gives the same result. PrimaryPart. HumanoidRootPart. TurnSpeed * seat. CFrame object's orientation. Velocity =cam. lookVector*100 look vector is a property of CFrame, not directly of the part Apr 29, 2024 · Basically, I need to get the LookVector of a mouse. Currently, it only shoots the puck forward, but when I add UpVector, it will only move the puck up or move the puck forward. However, my dash code is more free? than other dashs, it uses BodyVelocity so the player can dash up if they wanted to. The IKControl is from the upper torso to the head and set to LookAt. Activated:Connect(function() local function slash() if Can == true then Can = false TouchEnabled = true CanDmg = true Handle. i dont know how. Position = script. Velocity = lookVector * 80 Never tried it on a part itself … but it should work. LookVector in normal Mar 21, 2022 · I am making a throwing system where when the player clicks their mouse it sends a ball flying. I couldn’t find too many other helpful articles on this, so I just decided to make my Jul 15, 2024 · I am currently working on a custom modular factory system where it’s purpose is every “tick” it calls the function :TransferItems() now this function is required to check if the next machine has a “inDirection” attachment that has to face the same way as the “outDirection” on the current. basically this is what i want the black arrow is the direction am looking at the red dot is what lookvector returns, and the blue Oct 20, 2023 · Hello. CFrame = HumanoidRootPart. CurrentCamera while using do BodyGyro. Nov 7, 2021 · A lookvector isn’t enough to make a CFrame, you also need the upvector, which, assuming the turret will never point up or down, will be 0, 1, 0. So I’m not sure how to get the angle as well as calculate distance. LookVector Oct 16, 2020 · So if I did something where you use the LookVector to position a part, that way if you rotate the part, the part that gets positioned basically rotates with the part. BodyVelocity io=script. It all works great, except for one issue where the player can dash straight down, into the ground, and then be flung into the air, and sometime way out of the map. Setting. Players. I’m not using BodyForce or BodyVelocity since I want to give the player the ability to turn during May 14, 2020 · I’m trying to send a sphere the direction the mouse is pointing, here are the scripts: Local Script: -- Player local plr = game. SteerFloat,0,0). The plan is to make procedural animation to face the character towards where they are looking. new(1e6,1e6,1e7) local vecset = Vector3. However, as seen in this video, it’s not working properly Here’s the output from what I gave as the lookVector argument to create the CFrame for Part1, and what the resulting lookVector was: 0, 0, 4 - what I set it to -0. For going backwards, multiply the lookVector by -1, and then by the movement multiplier. So if the vehicle is tilting upward, then the vehicle is going to want to go into the air, or if the vehicle is tilting down, then the Jul 12, 2021 · am trying to make custom character movement using lookvector for my game, and it works fine, however, i found out that when i look straight in a direction and move, it moves normally, but when i look down in that direction and move, the distance i move is so low. I’ve been having this issue lately with LookVector. At times it seems to be accurate and other times it doesn’t (specifically when I turn my back towards the boss it becomes Mar 14, 2022 · handle. Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame. 00001) do script. new("BodyVelocity") bv. For example, a normal of (0, 1, 0) would equal to (0, 0, 90). Jul 9, 2024 · Im trying to make a cannon that ragdolls and fires a player over a certain distance and to move the player I’m using a BodyVelocity, and making the Velocity the front of the cannon (lookvector) * math. sp=script. Unit is a Vector3 that points in the same direction as the original, but has a length of exactly 1. Main. Thanks ! This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Position Sep 21, 2021 · How come this: local cf = CFrame. I cannot really get a recording of this, as it is not a very common issue; yet it is still one that I Jan 30, 2021 · So basically I have a look vector. How do I make it? I would use RunService. Position newaura. I’ve looked up various solutions and none of them have worked. Finally a new member and maybe Ill have luck seeking my answer here. Force = direction * forceMultiplier end Whenever the player Jul 31, 2020 · Greetings. So when I’m not moving, the shooting goes as intended. LookVector * distance Dec 22, 2019 · So recently, I had this glitch with the roblox jeep that causes the vehicle to fly into the air, or fly into the ground. Throwable:FireServer(child, workspace. P = 3e5 Gyro. RightVector * 15 This makes it so the goes towards the left. 9 studs on the Y axis. new() sp. Can you help? I also want to learn what times I should use them. The second is where it is facing. CFrame = HumanoidRP. magnitude)–>0. Part1 = enemyrp Weld2. May 7, 2020 · Im trying to make an NPC look away from the target. but recently roblox decided to start hiding the surface property. Parent bv=script. Jul 6, 2020 · I’m Trying To Make A Dash Or Tween System That Tweens The Character Humanoid Root Part Towards Where The Camera’s Facing I Have No Idea How I Would Do This Except I Know I Would Need The Current Camera lookVector This Is My Script: script. I have this set up when the player is pressing W: local function moveForward() local VectorForce = HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("VectorForce") local forceMultiplier = 5000 local direction = HumanoidRootPart. new(0,0,offset)" is wrong but I don’t know how to add an offset to the LookVector. new(1,0,1) * -CharacterData. Thus you can do the following to cast a ray in the direction that a block is facing. I want to make 2 raycasts. lookVector. Yes, it’s often exactly the same and only ever off by a tiny amount, like 3. p local char = plr. I’ve prepared a video that shows this: Aug 12, 2022 · So if we want to find the position the character is looking at, we need to multiply this LookVector by a number which will denote the number of studs in the direction of the character we want to look and then add it with the position of the Head. After reading up on the developer documentation, I think I have a better understanding of XYZ and LookVector but Up and Right are still really confusing. However, depending on the character’s LookVector, the attachment will be placed in front of or behind the character. Additionally, it doesn’t function properly when turning right or left. new(0,20,30)) your vector3 is just adding 0, 20, 30 to the knockback, not multiplying it try something like this Jul 12, 2021 · If you multiply LookVector by 15 and that gives Vector3. lookVector + Vector3. LookVector * anywhole number) now that we have the bullets position and lookvector, we can add velocity to it. CurrentCamera. LookVector is the -Z (negative Z) vector, that is, the forward direction of the CFrame, as a Vector3. LookVector *2 However, when I run this code, it won’t work, as it says “Unable to assign property CFrame. But i couldn’t understand what it is after reading the explaination( I also watched youtube tutorials) so, Is there anyone who can explain this easily? Nov 25, 2024 · this is likely my fault somehow but this is the gist. Can you tell me how to get Camera. If you’d like to construct your own CFrames with lookvectors, you can call CFrame. My current script places two attachments in the PrimaryPart of the character model, with one being 10 studs in front of said PrimaryPart. new(root. Aug 13, 2019 · Okay so, I want to make a Gliding feature with my character, but I’m having trouble with getting the HumanoidRootPart to rotate towards the Camera’s Look Direction on the X and Y Axis, here is the code I have for it local function SetGyro(state) if state then Gyro. However, in the game they will be multiple arrows so I cannot make it stay on the same position. Any idea on how to do this? if KeysDown. ReplicatedStorage Jun 4, 2022 · CFrame. new(40,40,0) However, Vector3 is relative to 0,0,0. Head Mar 24, 2024 · I’d like to make Bunny Hop with creating a new VectorForce based on Workspace. 6378369827617e-07 ~ 0. Direction I get this error: UnitRay is not a valid member of Vector3 How am I supposed to get the LookVector of a Mouse? May 6, 2019 · Hello!! I’m a noob at scripting, so i just went through developer hub and i found about Lookvector. Jul 5, 2021 · The 2nd constraint is that the LookVector should be as close as possble to the LookVector of the character (green arrow), within the 1st constraint. When I make a script to have the part face another part the way you normally do with: CFrame. Camera. LookVector Jul 12, 2022 · Hello! I would like to know how to convert a LookVector / a Surface Normal to rotation. I am working on a train chassis that is GUI linked to be controlled via GUI as said before. new Aug 2, 2019 · Hello, I need help with one small problem. . Parent local bv = Instance. PlayerKiDamage local mouseLv = plr:GetMouse(). new(script. lookVector * 100) + Vector3. lookVector * 10 Apr 11, 2022 · Hello! So, I’ve been reading this article which solved one of my problem about the rotation of the gui. Nov 8, 2019 · LookVector is a property of CFrames aka Coordinate Frames that represent the unit vector of the CFrame direction. new(10000,0,0) When I print the velocity, my output is -3826. OnServerEvent:Connect Nov 29, 2021 · From my understanding, whenever the LMB is clicked a ray is casted from the player’s camera to the mouse position and a “Bullet” is shot from the gun, some games shoot it from the Barrel, but most games cast it from the camera, cause it’s the best way to center a bullet, some games like Halo, use both methods for different situations, but it’s really your choice in the end. I’m currently sending the LookVector over a remote event. new(yourbarrell. Click play, switch to server view, and drag around either part (I’ve marked the front Apr 12, 2024 · I’m trying to create a raycast from the player’s character to the camera’s LookVector on the server side. Is there a way to rotate that by 45 degrees say on the y-axis? Not sure if there’s a proper way, but I thought of getting the original CFrame and rotating that, and then getting the rotated look vector. lookAt(handle. fromMatrix to make a CFrame. There is zero tolerance for incivility toward others or for cheaters. Joy stick (Please excuse the for some reason horrible video quality, please Jul 28, 2020 · I want to set a bodyforce in the direction of a lookvector, but I want it to be rounded to one axis. maxForce = Vector3. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) local RootPart = plr. The reason why this happens is because when the vehicle is moving forward the vehicle moves forward using velocity it uses lookvector. But it appears to only work when the part is facing the Z vector. Velocity = youcamera. Position, handle. The code looks like this: Cube. The issue I’m facing, though, is that the vector is the May 14, 2022 · I’m currently in the process of making a custom joystick for mobile users. The table below represents the components of a CFrame object's rotation matrix and their relationship with the available vector properties such as LookVector and RightVector. Velocity = workspace. I remember when I used to have no clue how to use them, but after research and many hours of trial and error, I finally was able to understand them. How can I fix this? Note: cam is just a I tried to use atan2 but the when the turn my character, the head will be looking at the wrong direction. As you can see, it prints the LookVector as a non-nil vector3 value. However, when I shoot while moving, the accuracy of LookVector is very questionable. newBullet. lookAt(Part1. You can then use CFrame. LookVector local Velocity = LookVector * Vector3. LookVector local function onButton1Down() Remote:FireServer(LookVector) end mouse. PrimaryPart, vector The Z component of the Datatype. ` windBV. When it comes to raycasting, these are usually used to measure how long the raycast goes for. Nov 15, 2021 · Hello roblox developers, I require some assistance, I am trying to create a raycast with a lookVector however I need to also add an angle to that. new(0,0,7) * HumRP. Name = "CurrentAura" local weldconstraint = Instance. Character --Convert the C0 of the neck motor to a global space CFrame so we can use it with the mouse position local neckGlobalCFrame = char. Creates a CFrame from a translation and the columns of a rotation matrix. new(cf, 10) Edit: Here's another example, for raycasting between two Roblox Vector3 values. Visual: How would I script this? Jun 26, 2023 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to make an object align to a surface while also pointing in some direction like this: An understanding of vectors and CFrame is required. However, it’s accuracy isn’t consistent. Example: local UpVector = Vector3. MaxTorque = Vector3. World relates to the origin (0, 0, 0) axis (like when you insert parts via Roblox Studio), while object space sets it relative to the object (hence “object space”). LookVector VectorForce. D = 2e3 Gyro. LookVector * 1 But it goes in the wrong direction - goes left instead of straight on. So whenever Jul 6, 2021 · (the side with the random decal is the front, you don’t need to watch the whole video) the command that I ran in the video is: workspace. Config. If it helps, think of it as multiplying LookVector by 1, and then adding distancefromcam. I’m trying to get the direction right. CFrame = CFrame. Position, YourCamera. shipLookAt. new(position1, position2). To make it clearer: local Direction = CFrame. Sep 2, 2020 · Hey DevForum. So what I am thinking is that I am not adjusting the LookVector correctly. S then BodyVelocity. Client side: local LookVector = workspace. Dec 2, 2023 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am spawning a part based on the characters lookvector for an IKControl to attach to it. Only the horizontal components of each course. Mar 17, 2024 · I am wanting to know how to raycast from a point, which would be the camera position, onto a grid that is facing the player. But I’m not really sure how to do this?? This is what I was trying to use local MouseDirection = mouse;UnitRay. I’ve already explained why this isn’t possible in my previous post since using only one directional vector (the LookVector) will have infinite solutions to what OP is Apr 12, 2022 · I’m making a plane template PBS stamper block and was wondering how I would make get the left of a look vector rear and right. RenderStepped for camera and well, I can’t find any article to change Character LookVectors and Mouse Position, may I get some help 🙂 Screenshot by Oct 30, 2023 · I’m trying to create a boost/NOS system using BodyVelocity, but the problem is that it doesn’t work in all directions, particularly where the player is driving. Jan 8, 2021 · Hi guys, Basically I have a Dash function that uses Cam. lookAt() takes a current position and target position but I have a look vector I have the player to look at how do I do that. I want to put this latching function inside of my dash code, and at first glance it works fine. fromMatrix(Turret. Here is the code I have so far: Adding a CFrame object's LookVector to itself produces a CFrame moved forward in whichever direction it's facing by 1 unit. new(0,part1. I tried RemoteEvents and Modules but i cant get that Camera. Otherwise if you only have a 3-tuple representing orientation like it is represented for Parts, then you can use this line: local lookVector = CFrame. So you add the rotation to position Aug 13, 2020 · OP already explained that they want to use a predefined LookVector to create a new CFrame at a certain position, but which shares the orientation with said LookVector. new(1, 0, 0), not Vector3. May 8, 2020 · " CFrame. Dec 18, 2023 · The script is supposed to check the rootPart’s CFrame lookVector and then set the camera to it, but instead it just applies it as nil. Orientation = script. Here’s a test place. I have tried searching it up on youtube but no luck. new(100000, 100000, 100000) bv. All works great in Local Script but i want to make it in normal script so that other players can see too. normally I would just look through the surfaces property and click the front face which gets highlighted. new(0,0,offset)) * 60` I’m sure the " +Vector3. LookVector+Vector3. new(0, 1, 0) local TurretCF = CFrame. local cf = Part. How do I stop my LookVector from rotating up/down? Scripting Support lookvector , scripting , cframe , help , script Apr 12, 2020 · Hello, I just want set part to be like a humanoidrootpart But I using lookvector but it don’t do anything here is script I’m doing while wait(0. A LookVector is just a normalized vector, which means it has a magnitude (think “distance”) of 1. HumanoidRootPart --First Oct 24, 2019 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I need to achieve where a player’s head LookVector is looking at a NPC’s head lookvector. I use the player’s HumanoidRootPart’s LookVector from CFrame and times it by 1000 to create the force to send the ball flying. lookAt(), and also what this function does in general. 37738969922066 According to the wiki: “returns the facing direction (unit vector)” this makes it sound like the lookVector will always be a unit vector, which is not true in the case of corrupted matrices (which I encountered due to vector magnitude creep). Velocity = Vector3. WorldPosition script. DashVelocity end how do i make this script adjust the lookvector horizontally? Oct 26, 2023 · local part = script. huge. Because of this, you can just multiply that LookVector by the desired distance (e. LookVector. RemoteEvents. fromMatrix. lookVector Then I fire a a ServerEvent kiBlastEvent:FireServer(kiDmg, mouseLv) Server Script Dec 8, 2021 · Hello! Basically I’m wondering how I would go about translating the player’s MoveVector to be relative to the camera, particularly for mobile controls? Some background, Roblox’s control module allows you to get the MoveVector of a player which is useful for getting the direction the player is moving in when using mobile controls. I can see on the Axis Oct 3, 2024 · Developer Forum | Roblox How to change cameras lookvector? Help and Feedback. Oct 10, 2023 · How this works is that the LookVector is the direction the Front face of a part (CFrame?) is facing. Equipped Jul 7, 2020 · In a regular use case, the vectors you add are the camera’s lookVector, rightVector, leftVector, and backVector. CFrame. Here’s my line of code: Impact. I’m using BodyThrust to make the player move. local Direction = Gun. Position) It will look at the target position (red part) but it’s facing the wrong way: Without using any extra effort in scripting to rotate it or using any May 16, 2024 · They want to move the target in the direction of their LookVector, but with a multiplier which would be the velocity of the punch. This is what it looks like: At first, I used cf. SourceValueChanged:connect(function(val) if val==1 then io. LookVector in the first teleport of the sequence. Aug 26, 2019 · local lookVector -- however you are getting the lookvector local zAngle = 0 local yAngle = math. i have tried looking on the dev forum and tweening the cframe to the lookvector property but it doesnt work. this means I have to go through the trouble of changing a surface on my part just so I can access the surface property again. CFrame Oct 7, 2020 · sometimes I need to find a parts lookvector in the studio so I can model properly. HPblue. Please explain how it works and what it is needed for? Apr 12, 2023 · how do i make this lookvector tween. new(1e5, 4e5, 1e5) Gyro. When the player kicks the ball, the ball should go where the camera is facing. lookVector, or even Vector3, the Jetpack model position stays equal to the position of the Torso instead of 5 (* -5) behind the torso. Position, Part2. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!-- This is an example Lua Mar 10, 2022 · In CFrames, a LookVector is where the CFrame is facing towards (if it’s facing up, it becomes 0,1,0) If you multiply that LookVector you get something like for example 0,0, -30. CFrame = TorpedoClone. Here is the code that I use for it: One source I did find that was helpful was this, as stated before this Jul 31, 2023 · The title says it, no Look Vectors. LookVector by a velocity, it does not work and in stead only affects the X axis. lookVector*100. I am pretty confident that the issue lies in defining the z value to make it face me. Hit. Force = script. Any explaination is appreciated, thanks 🙂 Aug 2, 2020 · What do you want to achieve? I want to make smooth throwing, in the direction that the player is facing. Position + -rp1. 20) to get the position offset. This is not guaranteed to be the same as the LookVector of the character, e. LookVector instead. CFrame:ToObjectSpace(). It first plays an animation upon activating, and also calls the remote event to the server. lookVector so that when the player jumped it was created a vector force pushing it in the direction of the camera for 0. atan2(-lookVector. Parent local Handle = parent:WaitForChild("Handle") CanDmg = false Can = true damage = 24. new(item. The way you do this is by adding the LookVector of the HumanoidRootPart (this is the rotation) to the position of the handle. fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, y, 0) Aug 8, 2021 · I am trying to make a gun where it doesn’t use a mouse click at part but uses the camera where it’s looking at to fire the gun. I am trying to script a shuriken throw skill by using Spherecast for hit detection. Angles(seat. lookVector local ray = Ray. Jan 26, 2021 · This is a studio related question, not a scripting nor a building related question. Equivalent to the third column of the rotation matrix. Parent = part local lookVector = part. But as soon as I add this . Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Trail = game. However, I recently came upon these CFrame values when using LookVector and I am really confused about what they all do. Position + HumnoiadRootPart. How am I supposed to make a consistent straight throw if I’m throwing it relative to the playermodel? What solutions have you tried so far? The developer forum didn’t seem to have anything related to my issue. LocalScript local player = game. LookVector * 5 This line works fine, but how would I keep it’s LookVector position but then move it down -3. What I tried to do was multiply LookVector by 90 in this. Position, LookVector, UpVector) Jul 2, 2022 · I’m trying to place a cube in front of a player, and to do this, I’m trying to use the LookVector of the HumanoidRootPart of my character. 44 TouchEnabled = false parent. You can multiply it to amplify this effect, leaving us with the code above. p) end) script. 94072443e-08, 0, -1) print(cf. local goal = (part2. Parent. Velocity = Character. Inner. Jun 9, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? I want to learn about lookvector. 0000004. I have a delay in the server to sync up with the animation, which is a throw animation, so when the animation is about finished, it will then start the ability script in the server. new("Weld") Weld2. CFrame + TorpedoClone. It checks the parts and rotates based on the results, then shoots more rays. So I can use the raycast to check if the player’s gun is close to a wall, and if it is move it back enough to where it is not gonna be clipping into the wall What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! The math is Jul 16, 2023 · I have always ignored Up, Right, X, Y, and Z Vectors because I never really used them. Position) prin… Oct 14, 2023 · CFrame. Humanoid local dmg = plr. 36 Oct 2, 2024 · The center of the screen (where Camera’s LookVector points) and where the mouse is can be two different locations so raycasts following them don’t necessarily match up. You can grab the LookVector of the hitter by using CFrame. Velocity = Humrp. The problem is that even though I am adjusting the CFrame and LookVector of the shuriken (and I am shooting the Spherecast from part to its LookVector * 5) it only works accurately from one side. Scripting Support. CFrame = player. ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Auras"). I’ve tried applying LookVector + Vector3: BodyVelocity. is there an Jan 4, 2024 · I don’t understand and that doesn’t really make sense. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for Apr 18, 2022 · I’m working on an ability system for my game, one of the abilities you can use is a dive roll mechanic that propels the player in the direction they’re facing using a BodyVelocity and their LookVector. Character local hum = char. Jun 12, 2019 · Hi! I am trying to figure out the formula for calculating a new vector between a part’s upVector and lookVector. 2. Current Script for when the Tool is Activated: local Part = workspace:WaitForChild("Puck") local veo = power * 10 if enabled == true and workspace Sep 30, 2019 · OH whoops sorry i forgot that you are moving the head of a character around, for that its a bit more complicated. CFrame + HumanoidRP. ForwardThrust. keremMCT (Pepsi_Cat) Aug 3, 2022 · You can get the LookVector from two positions like so: CFrame. It works fine enough but if the player turns quickly and then uses it, it creates a ‘delay’ and shoots the player off in a direction they were previously facing. I’m able to achieve part of this until I start looking towards the z axis. Y,0)) * CFrame. This makes the part’s bv go in a diagonal (x & y), but overrides the lookvector. lookVector bit into the mix, the rotation goes out of whack. For some reason it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. LookVector local Type = script. local LookVector = script. 406093419, -0. Which to do that, you must have a Lookvector of the Gui Position first, this is what I mean: local middle part is the arrow which is without a red box, the red box one is the one we need to Jan 19, 2021 · Hey, Im trying to orient the player to face where ever the camera is facing, and this script should be working but I have no clue why, I also have it in a loop Note I only want it to orient on the X, Z axises Code: local camera = game. For some reason it gives me wild lookvectors and acts strangely. Jun 23, 2022 · I’m trying to make a flashlight point at wherever direction the players camera is, so if I looked up the point light (in attachment) will be in the center of their screen even if they are facing up or down, it partially works (as in it moves the attachment but the light ends up off my screen when spinning left and right) however I am not that familiar with lookAt or lookvector and cannot Mar 26, 2023 · i am simply trying to push the player forwards to where they are facing however the BodyVelocity is not moving the HumanoidRootPart, except for when i put in a new Vector3 i’m 100% certain the code is correct but i really think it could be that i’m using a StarterCharacter but i dont know whats in the character that could be interfering with it --this one works with a hard coded vector Oct 10, 2023 · Hello, I’m trying to use “LookVector” to move a part forward, but then I also want it to go down -3. Position + rp1. Character. new(HumanoidRootPart. What solutions have you tried so far? Youtube Jul 5, 2020 · If I multiply this part’s CFrame. You can use this to calculate directions (for velocity and stuff). LocalPlayer local Camera = workspace. Thank you for your help! Nov 28, 2024 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I want to set the ray cast position to behind the firepoint (an attachment in the viewmodel’s handle). LookVector I know that this partially worked, but the car always turned to a otientation of either 90 or -90 and stopped turning there. So based on the above, you can do this: Oct 9, 2018 · Even after using . Function:FireServer(Camera. X,-lookVector. LookVector*-10) Nov 4, 2014 · Roblox provides a property for this and it's called 'LookVector'. What is the issue? I noticed the animations are offsetting the throws. I have encountered an issue in my endeavors in learning code, I have spoke to multiple people and have asked around, except I am frequently ignored or spoken over. X,0,camera. However when firing the cannon, the player moves to the right / left depending on the rotation of the cannon model. LookVector) in a modulescript: local cast = workspace:Raycast(model. 5 seconds and then destroying the vector Force VectorForce Creating with wrong direction I tried to change the values given to the vectorForce() function but it didn’t work Here`s Apr 22, 2021 · I want the arrow (lookvector) to adjust horizontally so that it doesnt mess up the dash. new() bv. How can I make it so it always goes straight on the way it’s facing. CFrame - (part2. The situation is still the same. Jan 9, 2024 · Hello! I’ve been trying to work on a movement system slightly from scratch using VectorForces. MaxForce = Vector3. lookAt(). Position = rootpart. start: replicatedstorage. LookVector) Dec 30, 2021 · newBullet. The scenario: In this example, a raycast is projected downwards to get the surface normal of the ground to align onto. However, it seems to be looking away from the target. The vector changes hands a few times however is never modified. May 30, 2023 · I have a part that raycasts using its LookVector and RightVector to see if parts are in front of it and to the sides. lookVector end Here is results I get Thank for reading Pixeluted Jun 16, 2024 · LookVector = seat. new(15, 0, 0), then LookVector is Vector3. LookVector in CFrame. new(camera. Aug 3, 2023 · I have a little ability that, whenever you press Q, it activates. slide. C1 = CFrame. 94072443e-08, 0, 1, 0, -8. If I want to set a part’s LookVector to its own LookVector (as in nothing should change at all), why is it that this code works perfectly when the Orientation of the part is Vector3. I have seen many tutorials and they bring them up but I never seem to understand what it means. Button1Down:Connect(onButton1Down) Server side: Remote. 9 studs? (it’s my first time using LookVector) Any and all help is Feb 18, 2020 · I am trying to rotate a model so that it faces a lookvector I’ve done something like this: item. local plr = game. It will not move Up and Forward. velocity = Vector3. ClockAura local newaura = auratoclone:Clone() newaura. I have custom character with one cube and if player press “W” then cube move in camera look direction. new(0, 0, 0). In the video you clearly see the gun was not moving at all and is being faced relatively towards my mouse which is facing straight when I move to the sides the raycasting is literally being casted to the sides even though I’m going based off LookVector as in I’m raycasting based off where the muzzle is facing. PlayerDamage local kiDmg = plr. So if I have W and D pressed, I would add the lookVector and the rightVector together, and exclude everything else. Facing Z vector Facing other vector The part has these children script. Part0 = HumRP Weld2. So far I tried using local TCF = target:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() local NCF = NPC:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() local newCF = TCF:ToObjectSpace(NCF) NPC:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CF… Oct 12, 2022 · Hey there so basically im making a beatdown for a game and for the barrage I added a weld with the hit box but instead of the dummy looking at me it looks away so im tryna figure out how to use this look vector on humrp with a weld but i cant. local function Compute() local rayPositionA = character. We also have the lookvector of the HumanoidRootPart, or whatever the object should face towards. 5 cd = 0. I am plugging in the camera’s lookvector into a raycast however it doesn’t like it. new( Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt )" is apparently deprecated (I don’t know why they would do that with no easy/simple alternative) according to the wiki, and gives the function below as a way to achieve the same effect. lookVector to apply BodyVelocity; for my Dash mechanic to work. Dash. Why does the ball not go in the same direction as the gray trajectory estimation line? How can I solve this issue? Code Aug 2, 2020 · Hello! I recently realized that the functions VectorToWorldSpace and VectorToObjectSpace are still the subject of confusion among many devs here on the forums. LookVector*20 Any help? Mar 17, 2024 · LookVector always points to the direction that the part is facing (forwards). IsOn bv. (Remember, in Roblox, the positive Z direction is backwards. Jul 6, 2021 · Well… it’s lookvector, where the CFrame is facing. so for example, if the lookvector is closest to pointing up, I want to set the bodyforce’s Y axis to start pushing in that direction and not any other, the code here should help you understand what im trying to do: local forcenum = 1000000 local lv = char. LookVector bv. Try. I’m not sure how I should tackle this problem but I’ve run across the :Dot function and thought that might be how I accomplish it I’m just not sure how to implement it. Activated:Connect(function() script. Part. ) Vector3. The angle between this vector and the other two vectors will of course be 45 degrees, but how would I do th… Apr 5, 2024 · Is there a way I can always have the person getting hit to knockback away from the player? local parent = script. any situation where the surface is not perfectly horizonta,l so it wouldn’t be orthogonal to the red arrow. Type script. Y) If you are just trying to derive a cframe from a look vector, don’t use this method. https Jan 20, 2018 · I’m trying to make a door thing (with 2 door unions) that tween open and closed. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! The issue is, I don’t know how to check if a player’s head LookVector is looking at something else’s head LookVector. Parent = rootpart newaura. UnitRay. Idk. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! Part just simply is not Dec 30, 2019 · So What I need to do, is increase the LookVector and UpVector, when a player shoots a puck. CoordinateFrame expected, got Vector3” When changing the code from Cube Oct 20, 2024 · Hi all, got an issue with setting up I guess some like sword slam slash thing? As seen from the gif, as the player moves around - even whilst I’m pressing the X, it’ll grab a CFrame from earlier on the movement rather t… May 21, 2022 · So suppose you’re given a set of vectors, in my case each of these are represented by a part’s LookVector, is there a way to find, between each of these LookVectors, what the maximum angle at the intersection of these parts is (assuming it’s less than 180)? So essentially, I am making a wall placement system and need to know which walls to “extend” to fill a gap, that is fine Jun 8, 2021 · Probably doing something stupid since I just woke up and immediately starting coding, but this code is supposed to teleport the player and make the effects in the direction of HumanoidRootPart. Position, game. Can anyone help me? local Weld2 = Instance. LocalPlayer local mouse = plr:GetMouse() mouse. 5, 36, -1, 0, 8. Z) game:GetService("RunService Oct 13, 2024 · so i have this script and i was wondering how to make the new aura orienatation for the players heads lookvector if aura. Parent:GetPrimaryPartCFrame(). Change. The most precise way is to obtain the mouse coordinates from an InputObject that UserInputService or ContextActionService provides for the input events that fire the bullets. new(-8, 0. LookVector + CFrame. Aug 2, 2022 · I currently have a part that is being moved by doing: TorpedoClone. new(tempAirType. Apr 23, 2018 · How would I combine lookVector and rightVector to get the diagonal vector? Feb 20, 2024 · your knockback calculation is likely the issue ( local kb = lookVector * Vector3. Here is the code I have so far: May 7, 2020 · This is a simplified example of my problem in order to avoid unnecessary details. Workspace. However, the rays always shoot in the same direction, regardless of the part’s orientation. Using them is as simple as calling the method on a CFrame, like Part. I’m trying to covert joystick position to where the player looks. After that, you should include more details if you have any. I want to make it so that the Mar 30, 2021 · If the rotation wasn’t a multiple of 90, and instead were something like 20 degrees then neither LookVector nor RightVector would work because the ray would cast with a 20 degree offset of where I want it. LookVector * 15 to. new(Magnitude,Magnitude,Magnitude) Feb 2, 2024 · I don’t understand the arguments of CFrame. My main and number 1 issue is the look vector being too slow Sep 23, 2023 · hello, i’ve made a basic sword with some animations and i’ve got an issue to when the player clicks quick enough to where the animations don’t reset to the natural idle animation, the lookvector is causing the player to sort of bounce to the ground and move left or right and not straight when shiftlocked (sorry if i explained it badly) i’m trying to make it to where the bodyvelocity Mar 16, 2022 · im trying to make the character to move back a little bit to perform a attack but i don’t know how to make is use a tween or another way to make the player to move back cleanly what im trying to tween: player. LookVector SkrubDaNub (ComradeSkrub) August 3, 2022, 7:50pm Feb 4, 2022 · The Camera’s LookVector can be used for moving forward (though I would suggest removing the Y part of the vector so as not to be pushing into the ground). EDIT Apr 8, 2021 · Hello 😄, @Water_KKnight here, I’m trying to create a BodyVelocity with a diagonal force (Vector3) from the HumanoidRootPart’s LookVector. Here Jul 17, 2022 · I know there’s a topic exactly like this one, but it didn’t have anything marked as a solution and both of the answers didn’t work for me. LookVector) --prints : -8. Apr 19, 2022 · I want to know how Roblox turns any two Vector3 values into a LookVector with values ranging from -1 to 1 via CFrame. LookVector) The first parameter of the function is the position. Value == "Clock" then local auratoclone = game. 0678792596, 0. However, because I delayed the function in the server of Mar 4, 2016 · print(KartGyro. Adding a CFrame object's LookVector to itself produces a CFrame moved forward in whichever direction it's facing by 1 unit. 83447, 0, -0 Anyone please help. LocalPlayer local char = plr. Could someone dumb down all these Dec 18, 2019 · Hello, I am trying to change Character LookVectors withing Mouse Position to make something like this: Screenshot by Lightshot or something a little bit different but kinda similar to Roblox Shift Lock. g. Heres a snippet: char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"). CFrame + (player. p, lookvector)) however this doesn’t seem to work either and i’m not too sure what else to do. I am not sure how to achieve these things… This is what I want to do: I want to find out how to make these raycasts go in such an angle. Z, I wondered what does that mean, does it mean the z-coordinate of LookVector in world space or local space? I’m not good at maths so this may sound dumb. new Jan 5, 2021 · Hi Guys! I am using a standard dashing script that allows the player to dash in all directions. It only propels the vehicle forward, and when I turn or drive in the backward direction, it slows down. Oct 5, 2021 · (Changed the title to match the current point in the replies, the text below talks about my old setup of using BodyThrust) Hey everyone, I’ve been working on making a sort of jumping ability in my game to allow players to move around quicker. Instead construct it by getting the right and up vectors and then use CFrame:FromMatrix() Apr 19, 2019 · Both of those methods convert a CFrame to a specific space. If you do not multiply LookVector, it would in this case return Vector3. 9407244274753e-08, -0, 1 Apr 14, 2022 · slide. I also using RayCasting in my game to latch players to nearby objects. VectorForce. 911307096 - what it is Here’s my code: local vector Jun 26, 2022 · If so, you can just use Part. May 15, 2019 · I understand that the lookvector the a unit vector pointing where the object is looking, but how does a mouse have a lookvector? It doesn’t make much sense to me for a mouse to have a lookvector since its not a part. LookVector*10, which Aug 16, 2020 · the orientation of the Hit CFrame corresponds with the direction of the Mouse. Focus. LookVector * Vector3. Although the individual components of the rotation matrix are rarely useful by themselves, the vector properties which derive from them are much more useful. fromEulerAnglesYXZ(x, y, z) Nov 3, 2021 · Hello, I need help with scripting a projectile but have it Miss. This picture shows what I want I’m using a part’s look vector, but don’t know… Jan 27, 2024 · I’m trying to set the force of a VectorForce to the LookVector of a part. asin(lookVector. local isBoosting = false local model = script LookVector cannot be assigned to - Roblox Loading Jul 21, 2023 · Hi all, I’m currently working on a football game. Sep 22, 2021 · Quite easily, thankfully (assuming you want to move in the direction of your LookVector). I have the code to actually hit the target but now I want it to a miss. new(1, 0, 0). Feb 2, 2023 · Right now I’m using this below. qajhwi bqyy pltk auhhci ojoia cnyryuo grk mekvyl qwetmug yas