Vedmak fit pvp Support the site. com/charact Therefore, most PvP ships in nullsec fit an MWD as a standard first propulsion module. But you mentioned elsewhere that you’re planning to use this A different idea in mind is a PvP Navy Vexor, or Ishtar, so it seems like I am a ratter and an easy kill. Guaranteed to be called primary. But, if you have an opinion, which is the better "all rounder"? Vedmak is OK but can be very difficult to break if you're not in a strong T1 cruiser. [Sacrilege, TEST PVP FIT] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Assault Damage Control II Reactive Armor Hardener Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer 10MN Afterburner II Stasis Webifier II Solo, vedmak is a great option and well worth training, as is the vagabond. I am on mobile so sorry for any formatting issues. For pvp you have to remember ikitursa is a very very heavy and slow HAC, trig guns can destroy small tackles, however due to low speed it's not a very good solo roaming ship (hard learnt truth) The whole apyssal pvp thing was destine to fail. All donations go towards producing more content. Apocalyse. vedmak, kikimora, and amarrian assault frigate Retribution are all top tier ships for nano kiting and solo killing ratters in null/etc. The Ikitursa in my opinion has too much against the other HACs. org/br/6022bca006fbf5001b4a1d6b Try a long-range autocannon Stabber for a cheap platform that is fairly survivable and can deal with minor tackle. You and I both know that 99. com/signup?invc=cf180a49-c7bb-47 It’s cheap as balls and that’s really all it’s got going for it. Can I please get recommendations for a good fit with the following constraints. Its hard to fit a good tank on a Vedmak because of its cap use and crappy resist profile. [Vedmak, c3 pve Support the site. Thanks for showing the fit as well, what a sweet ride Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. PvE Gameplay Center. EVE Online Forums Damavik and Kikimora Solo-PvP Fit. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships One thing the Statios has is fitting room. 6: 3384: May 16, 2018 Getting back into to PvP. If you win some fights and bring home some loot, great, it's a little bonus to offset past/future losses. Caldari Joans (Reveries Logistics) lost their Vedmak in 0SUF-3 (Paragon Soul). Will request killmails and save fitting scopes. EvE is pretty dead had to do 30+ Jumps but it was worth it and I found nice player. get in a coercer navy issue and sit in a plex circa 8 km away from the plex or at scram range. looking for pve vedmak fit. twitch. tv/theflowerfallen[Vedmak, Flower's 150MN]800mm Rolled Tungsten Compact PlatesDamage Control IIEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiatio Support the site. https://www. In Starving/Harrowing Vedmak waves you always clear the Starving Vedmaks and then the Harrowing Vedmaks, then you can follow the traditional target order. Almost perfect Ikitursa - vedmak that trades speed and agility for cap, tracking, and damage cap. Reply reply This fit is insanely strong on its own and takes care of alot of fits in FW Frigate Pvp even without it, but the crystals really boost the tank to a level thats not expected Support the site. com/fjtQKmzy (old one died - this is basically the same fit only better) Will request killmails and save fitting scopes. Insurgencies are temporary PVP warzones in lowsec space where Im looking for some help with my new Vedmak :) I want use it first to do some agent missions and after that if im ok with lfying it some filaments. Problem is that most medium drones unless you build for drone speed will have hard time keeping up with proper small stuff most of the time. It has an awkward 5 mids, 5 lows that leaves either shield or armor fits wanting for something. vedmak is good to go. Vedmak level 3 fit? Out Of Pod Experience. Thought I could tank him until the last three minutes were up (I was tanking Try a long-range autocannon Stabber for a cheap platform that is fairly survivable and can deal with minor tackle. The new – Chairman Akimaka Saraki. com/br/150392/ Kiki is insanely fun and cheap to!Eve Online Referral Code FREE 1 MIL SP FOR NEW AND EXISTING ACCOUNTS. EVE Online Forums Pve vedmak fit. Fleet. Get your Omega codes here. It also doesn’t hurt to look through their full activity to see what they hunt and in what fits. The Ikitursa has been adapted for Spider tanking is a fleet tactic in which ships mount remote armour repair modules so they can repair each other. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Proceed to then take said Vedmak into a pvp engagement and get blown up or leave with the most glorious killmark ever and make sure to link this post to whoever you killed. Old. Market Fits Fleet. She doesn’t like the idea of fitting a plate, as an unplated fit can be just as tanky in an all-out scenario, but making this Vedmak 300m/s faster. Cruiser and battle cruiser pvp too, perhaps not as much but there are a few vids which cover individual ships in detail eg: Amelia Duskspace has a video on the vedmak, other people have pvp videos where they explain their fit, thought process, decision making during a fight etc. Reply reply any one that can share a Vedmak fit I was thinking of using a Derkavac but I keep readon Vedmak is better to use for mission running. vedmak or ONI. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It’s great for PVP, kind of meh for PVE. 3 sector and around. If you run a battleship in an ESS you're really at the mercy of home defense. [Drekavac, Test Drive]Medium Ancillary Armor RepairerIFFA Compact Damage ControlEntropic Radiation Sink IIEntropic Radiation Sink IINanofi Бой в Вх, на грани провала. ie, it is game breaking and will over power the usual curse-gila-vedmak holy abyssal pvp trinity. I just sort of chose “build and fit a Vedmak” as a final achievement milestone so that I can have a cool trophy to display in my home station hanger knowing the work Some kill from my solo roam. Final Blow by M'r olddriver (Fuente Vacio) flying in a Ishtar. eveonline. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! For anyone interested in the fit from my previous Vedmak Solo ESS PvP video here's a quick breakdown of the modules and rigs and my reasoning behind them. Sort by: Best. 0, so fit a micro warp drive unless you're going overprop. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Support the site. Thoughts on explorer / PVP VNI fit? PvP Ships & Modules. 67: 18571: November 7, 2019 Scorpion navy lvl 4. I see a lot of Legion fits using double Neuts, but I've been thinking about a viable double Rep + Nosferatu fit. Постарался, как смог, подробно описать тонкости и нюансы прохождения С3 аномалии Outpost Frontier Stonghold. New comments cannot be posted. 250 mod) Immediately. null-sec, pvp. I used to run DED 3/10 escalations with a LML buffer MWD-fit PvP-esque Jackdaw: I'd take a MASB + MSE fit and simply swap the The Vedmak has 2 deep holes which makes it difficult to fit if you want to cover them. Then ccp changes the mechanics for it to work. Midslot as noted above Tracking Computer, AB or MWD (personal A good fit legion can tank a vedmak easy, you can tank the new battlecruiser also in a 1v1 fight. It is super versatile, has a covops cloak, and is T1, so much more engageable. g. I know this is a "it depends " question. There's 100MN fits, dual Solo PvP, Vedmak In abyssal Arena. Donations can be m Support the site. This is my current Navy Apocalypse. There is a lot. Looking for some advice on the Vedmak. Kikimora, Hecate, Worm Frigate, Sabre (but gate bubble is a LITTLE bit too complicated for me)? Do you have any suggestions or fitting and most likely ship to use? Fits. Lets go over the design, lore, strengths, and weaknesses of this amazing destroy 181K subscribers in the Eve community. PvP Gameplay Center. If you were around in the early days of Abyssal Arena PvP bull$@#) you'll recall the meta was a dual rep regen Ikitursa that cost an obscene amount of money. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! After messing around with T1 Battleship hulls in the new ESS sites I started looking for a more effective and relatively efficient solo option. Open comment sort options. Hi, I want to do a little more pvp solo, but I’m struggling to find a decent ship to have fun with. using a shield fit with 2 TEs, improved Frentix and a alt with 1-2 RTCs to enable 50k Mystic, but it's just a pain to fly since a single MWD cycle gets you out of optimal. They are almost always blaster fit and either armor tanked or Miroitem: 214,026 ships destroyed and 0 ships lost. Does anyone of you have Good SoloPvP-Fits for these Ships? Thank you and Fly safe o7. Share Sort by: Best. I play the Vedmak Armor & Shield and the best fit after For people unfamiliar with Abyssal PvP, it's an instanced room where you fight 1 other cruiser-sized hull for some loot in a box. kikis are super cheap about 100m fit so its a great starter ship to learn hunting and all the macro elements to 1v100 gameplay The Triglavians have some beautiful ships, and the Kikimora is no exception. Characters: 328: Corporations: 206: Alliances: 87: Systems: 224: Regions: 70: Total Kills: 752: Support the site. Properly managed, this can be extremely powerful. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! That means the speed – and also align times – to outmaneuver responses that are too big to fight is an important aspect when deciding on a hull and fitting. Controversial. just a test drive. Giving you a specific fit is a fruitless endeavor for all, you should pick a ship you like and try it out and figure out what your playstyle is. All or most of the ships in a spider-tanked gang fit one or two high slot remote repair modules. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Except that if you look at Ikitursa's stats, most people believe that bringing Ikitursa is like bringing shotgun to a rock-paper-scissors game. Always fit at least two repairers on any PvP setup, with the exception of some lighter-tanked frigates. Vedmak: 825,294 ships destroyed and 96,232 ships lost. The Damavik is a precursor ship. A Vedmak with 5 Disintegration sinks can do 350 DMG with Tetryons at BEST. 000 - 1. I The following T2 Vedmak (faction) fit is for omega players. Let me know any kity ship able to tank 800dps with 2k5+ms and 300dps+assault DC+60km firing range. Edit: grammar I love look of this ship Anyone got any fit or info about THIS ship and what mission level he can run with fit and some skills?? I know, more better ship, got Vexor and Ishtar BUT i love how look Triglavian ship ask in other topic about abyssal fit but now i wanna more normal mission runner than abyssal 🙂 Ofc any other ship from Triglavian will be ok Get 1 Million free Skillpoints for using this link to create an account or link an already existing account:https://www. It’s a lazy fit, the reactive hardener saves me changing the resists for each mission - I get north 🎥 - POV : Vedmak🧠 - Implants : https://zkillboard. Scythe Fleet Issue pvp fit [Scythe Fleet Issue, New Setup 2] Nanofiber Internal Structure II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II When posting fits on reddit it is much easier to read when you put 4 spaces in front of each lines. Mainly the price of it, my Vedmak is fully fitted so i can do PvE kinda safely, and the total ship worth fully fitted is around 1. This post’s general idea is to provide fittings at an affordable price range for Small Gang PvP in Nullsec. Vedmak Usually 800mm plate + medium ancil with triple medium neut, but there's some people out there who don't use a plate at all. T1 Empire only cruisers (the 4 main factions, no you can’t take navy ships, no you can’t take a Vedmak, no you CANNOT TAKE YOUR DRAKE) Meta modules only – no T2, no faction etc I've recently bought a couple of SFI hulls and plan to use them for solo PvP. 999% of raxes out there are either neutron heavy dps fit or electron and 1600 fit. the only way you lose a fight against anything that can enter your plex is if you dont pay atention and 0:00 Gatecampers lose without gate05:15 Loki camp gone wrong06:40 Fitting Explanation(https://pastebin. VNI best budget brawler out there. It’s too slow to be useful in a nano gang, it’s neuting strength is mediocre at best unless you gimmick it and go full utility (no lasers, all neuts/nos). PvP ships all of the ships in EVE are PvP ships. and maybe Nerco/Neuts for PVP encounters. is currently live on Twitch! Support the zKill Hamsters! Active PVP (last 7 days) Characters: 184: Corporations: 148: Alliances: 77: Systems: 281: Regions: 72: I started playing eve with the catch of the market and industry which i like a lot but i got bored of making ISK in Jita without doing nothing “fun” anymore for me. You can build a similar style T1 Apocalypse - the main features are all there. Thank you to those who have chosen to donate. is currently live on Twitch! Support the zKill Hamsters! USER APPRECIATION STREAM! Click here to watch! Ship: Cerberus Class: Heavy Assault Cruiser Active PVP (last 7 days) Kills + Losses. And i'll refit. com/de/signup?invc=819bccdc Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! The Rest: should be fine, I'd fit a faction MSE on the Raptor, interesting Succubus but I kind of doubt it'd be that effective compared to something else, but might work. Don’t just pick a fit at random, find one that looks like it fits your purpose don’t try to give a random fit a purpose. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! EVE Workbench Thanks. I wrap up the video with two more short clips of fights I've had with the fit. Always keep at range or doubleclick followed by immidiate ctrl-space. The last few KMs shows that Orthrus may be able to counter Ikitursa. zKillboard PVP is sustainable (as in pvp loot covering your pvp losses) for almost nobody. online/aceface_skillpointsFit use [Damavik, little trig drone]Multispectrum Energized Membrane IIMultispectrum Energized Membrane IICoreli A-Type Small Armor RepairerFederation Navy 10MN Afte Drekavac: 602,595 ships destroyed and 63,518 ships lost. Q&A. Sort by: Reply reply BumsGordie77 • I fucking love pewpew grunt vids! Pvp looks so easy when he's flying around. Best. No problem at all, the 100mn fit legion moves 1800ms plus and do 900 dps plus without damage booster but you will need Support the site. is currently live on Twitch! Support the zKill Hamsters! Active PVP (last 7 days) Characters: 391: Corporations: 277: Alliances: 123: Systems: 351: Regions: 74: Eve Online Series #15 - Hull Tank Sunesis - Solo PvPTrying out something a little different this time as you don't see many PvP sunesis ships flying around, That is the case with any ship set up to hard counter another ship. The tracking speed on the Vedmak is insane (better tracking than medium autocannons but out to 52/62km depending on if TC fit), it's fast, its dps is decent/good, and the utility you can have is pretty good with neuts + defensive web or a Fit: https://pastebin. Top. I settled on Support the site. Maybe the best antitackle ship in the game rn Some 100mn Vedmak PvP :) Video Share Add a Comment. PvE Ships & Modules. I am also thinking abt getting a Drekevac and a Leshak later (if I have the isk to lol). Using the Triglavian Vedmak-class cruiser as a basis, the designers of the Ikitursa have fashioned a powerful heavy assault cruiser from the already potent core design. Vedmak Fit - https://pastebin. I found a Vedmak fit for running the lower level combat sites in null. The best pvp ship is the one you want to fly and fit with a goal/objective. PvP Ships & Modules. I like Gallente and Caldari ships so far because I like the bonuses of shooting ordinance close to the speed of light with railguns. So I was thinking any one have a good fit and could it be fitted with out the fitt costing 1-2bill. Incredibly fast and agile, can fit a web and neuts while still having a good tank with an 800 and MAAR, big drone bay, incredible projection. Mending it with a 800m plate and injector or battery is only to keep it on grid longer, not something you should base the fit around. 😂 A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating Drekavac Solo PvP + Fitting & Commentary Video Share Add a Comment. Oddly enough, works best when shield fit. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Support the site. #EvEOnline - #Vedmak Look forward to watching your vedmak video next time. Bonuses to all weapon types, good amount of mid/low slots, and a decent drone bay. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! 🎬 - Vedmak vs BRAVE or PH standing fleet. when people get inside your plex scram and web them imediatelly (i don't use prop mod on my coercer navy) than all you have to do is keep them at range so they dont orbit you. After messing around with T1 Battleship hulls in the new ESS sites I started looking for a more effective and relatively efficient solo option. Become our patron on Support the site. Drekavac has command bursts which could be cool for certain things. I don’t want a 300M right now since I’m fairly new to this, but I would be doing it in 0. patreon. Add a comment with your ingame name for a chance to win SCOPE Syndication skin. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Vedmak - Maybe the best T1/faction nano cruise ATM. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Often people will also be willing to share fits [more quickly than in game it seems]. In general, a good Small Gang ship reaches a balance of the following factors: Vedmak solo PVP . Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. it has a nice webrange bonus, but your neuts are still super short range, and it doesn’t really have the fitting space or slots to make good use of the web bonus range Solo PvP, Vedmak In abyssal Arena. If you plan on flying the Vedmak and want to Insurgencies are temporary PVP warzones in https://www. Ikitursa has nearly double the max damage she’s faster. Ive done some PvP in other ships, but no way will i fly a Vedmak in PvP before the market prices go down for the ship and modules. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! EVE Workbench. The vedmak is strong and people like to think it's the king, but it can lose to either #2 or #3 depending on the fit. 12: 1703: July 18, 2020 L4s in a Vedmak. In terms of krabbing, it's a very good and underestimated ship for t6 abyss, for c3 ratting there's cheaper battleship options cough praxis cough unless you really wanna cut the mass down . I never PvP in a Vedmak, I use it for PvE Fitting a Vedmak with a plate or not is somewhat of a philosophical question. I would definitely go with neutralizers for PvP. Vorton Tuning System II. Once the fits are sussed out, it was always going to be a rock paper scissor situation, there are other fits out there that tank like this as well and only a matter of time before all the fights are stablemates. You should figure out how to make isk some other way and decide how much you're willing to lose in pvp each day/week/month. I Vedmak is not a tanky ship and has bad capacitor. EVE isn't twitch play. My missile skills and autocannon skills are roughly equal, and I'm trying to decide which to fit to my ship. If you need fits - message Mr Keps in game and I'll suggest the fits, because there are multiple ways you can fit above mentioned ships. New. I will use the SFIs to do solo PvP in Null Sec, and plan to engage mostly frigates and destroyers with the occasional cruiser. Any tips and fits will be most apreciated :) My current fit: [Vedmak, Tenebris] Medium Armor Repairer II Reactive Armor Hardener Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II looking for pve vedmak fit. 250mil for a strong fit with 3 med neuts and close to 1000dps if spooled up example: [Vedmak, f*ckmak] Damage Control II Entropic Radiation Sink II Summary. If you’re an alpha player, please take a look at the FOB Vexor. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Given equal cost fitting, yes a vaga will outrun a vedmak, however vagas most often don’t carry a web, whereas vedmaks almost always do. The Vedmak is still my favorite as it can fit a great tank, ramp to competitive damage at range, No, just a stabber and a vedmak, I've tried using a curse but people usually don't take the fight so I've stopped The fit relies entirely on people expecting a fight inside the ESS rather than the entry gate, and coming in with 10MN ab and/or Support the site. However Vedmak is just way too good for the money you spend. com/kill/82021025/💊 - Drugs : Overclocker II or/and Quafe Zero 👨🏼🚀 - Guest : Fiudovy #Vedmak #solo #eviction Vedmak goes brrrrrrrrr. works best with snakes and another antitackle pilot with you, e. You have to run it with a freagin battery on top of a cap booster, thus eating even more PG that it doesn't have much in the 1st place. For its multi role it lacks the PG and the cap. Add a Comment. It depends on what you prefer: The buffer to not get volleyed off grid by the Vargur that just Filter fits Get linkReset filter Fitting results Sort: Default (relevance)Date addedVotesEstimated priceVideoAscendingDescending Load more fittings Become our patron on After messing around with T1 Battleship hulls in the new ESS sites I started looking for a more effective and relatively efficient solo option. They For anyone interested in the fit from my previous Vedmak Solo ESS PvP video here's a quick breakdown of the modules and rigs and my reasoning behind them. [Vedmak, Vedmak] Medium Armor Repairer II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II [Vedmak, Vedmak] Medium Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer Medium Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer Heavy Entropic Disintegrator II Stasis Webifier II J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor 50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 200 Damage Control II For anyone interested in the fit from my previous Vedmak Solo ESS PvP video here's a quick breakdown of the modules and rigs and my reasoning behind them. (1) Phantasm is kind of an interesting beast. Cheapest way ever to explore stuff you can fly and try different setups . This Vedmak: 826,325 ships destroyed and 96,393 ships lost. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Caracal DPS ~300 x2 + 230dps jackdaw = Le'ts take 800dps. 4-AcO-DMT (4-AcO-DMT) April 20, 2019, 7:25pm 1. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It’s supposed to be a sandbox, there’s no End Game in a Sandbox game. Usually there is a known good 'fit' for every hull, however every thing has a counter [especially in solo or small group pvp]. Only the precursor ships can fit Entropic Disintegrators. I settled on two hulls, the HAM Scythe Fleet and the Vedmak, both utilizing dual rep fits. The Vedmak is an extremely strong kiter, Support the site. My Ishtar fit was very proficient at running the PvE content, but I was woefully unprepared for the PvP side of things. I myself am fairly poor at pvp but would like to not get completely embarrassed. I made so many mistakes in this fight and it still worked out, Vedmak might be a little strongBR: https://zkillboard. Also never use T2 gun or istabs. With higher damage, the Cynabal would feel ok fitting armor for utility, or shield for maximum machine gunning and accepting either less tank or fewer control modules. Drauger: can be masterfully flown in a nanogang, but IMHO too expensive for what it does in PvP. Some 100mn Vedmak PvP :) Video Share Add a Comment. Track: Infraction- Virtual Real Support the site. No implant, relatively cheap Ikitursa fit for T4 Firestorm Abyss. So, I picked a caracal and some singals needlejacks to try to hunt Speed, agility, evasion etc is just a travel ship. Partners; Support us; Changelog; Team; Useful links. Edit: Your question has a lot of variables, because in theory a drake could kill a drek, but it depends on how good the drake pilot/fit is and how good/bad the drek pilot/fit is. A Curse can die to #1 or #2 depending on the enemy, and HACs frequently run into #2 or if they This second fit is from an Article from Ashy Traynor‘s Fit Kitchen Series on her Blog. It will make reddit format it as code rather than the shitty normal format. just want to have a general idea how people build it my activities: abyss sites (would like to do t3 with it), missions, anomalies. Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Caldari Joans lost their Vedmak worth 549,934,057. Vedmak webs are often faction so they can web heated from 18K, meaning 1v1 you will likely About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Welcome back fellow connoisseurs of the finer Pews!Today on the menu: Kitey Vedmak vs Worm Fleet and another Wolf Fleet! I am flying really defensively in th For PVP the drek is prolly one of the best armor brawlers out there atm. Be nice and I hope you enjoyed it. Vedmak: 826,325 ships destroyed and 96,393 ships lost. Some fits use both an MWD and an AB ("dualprop"), and some smaller ships will fit an oversized AB, which can offer MWD-like speeds at the cost of agility ("overprop"). I settled on / theflowerfallen [Vedmak, Flower's 150MN] 800mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates Damage Control II Entropic Radiation Sink II Entropic Radiation Sink II Shadow The following FOB Regular Vedmak fit is for omega players. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online Support the site. Because for some situations a buffer tank is enough. 7: 1255: February 19, 2018 The Gnosis can be fit in so many ways, that it can be designed to be good in a lot of areas. Thought I could tank him until the last three minutes were up (I was tanking Hope you guys enjoy!More vids on my channel. 😂 A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating Well even if you fit it with rapid lights it still doesn't really solve the problem of killing small stuff. evetools. . It was released in the Into The Abyss expansion on May the 29th 2018, alongside the Vedmak and Leshak. If you want to bring something slightly cheaper, you can look at the Regular Vedmak fit. There are multiple other options like Vagabond, Orthurus, Cynabal, Loki and so on. you need to seriously scale down on the sinks and then your DPS drops too much to be worth it. To Be able to produce 250 dmg per hit with my resistance 00:00 Intro00:32 Branch06:05 Deklein09:33 Fountain Support the site. With the high tracking of Entropic disintegrators, high DPS with spool, and utility highs + 3 mids to play w after a prop mod, it’s one of the best ships you can fly at that size for its cost and price to performance either solo or in a fleet setting, it can also be flown cheap or very expensive Kiki: generally good at a wide range of things. I started training for solo hunting bc i watched the whaling documentary of Olmeca Gold and loved it so i wanted to give whaling a try. 2 bill. Also I think if you want a really well tanked gila then fitting launchers is a bit too tight. It can go blisteringly fast, wield neuts like a Legion, drones like a Proteus, and tanks like either of them. Open comment sort options Thanks for narating it too. just want to have a general idea A simple cut from one day of taking Vedmak out and running some ESS. Search. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! The Fit, The Tactics, and the Profit: Here is the fit in all of its glory: [Stormbringer, 2 bil Elec V2] Vorton Tuning System II. Speed is your friend in 0. Rail Brutix is super undervalued if you know how to fly it, in my book still best t1 kitey bc (or atleast up there in the top 2). com/mANqV2Bw) Vedmak hits at 250 Dmg with Penetrates (1. com/dctPvfkLMy zkillboard - https://zkillboard. Want to jo So there are a plethora of guides out there covering solo and small gang frigate pvp. More specifically, I would like to know if Nosferatu is viable for SOLO PVP activities. 59 ISK. It's hard to beat cruisers/BCs for investment and fun. More posts you may like r/Eve. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! https://br. I know that by Noferatu mechanics you can only drain the target as to reach your own Capacitor level. But, if you have an opinion, which is the better "all rounder"? Ikitursa: 309,802 ships destroyed and 14,723 ships lost. Enyo is decent, but only really if you get someone who is not super experienced in the whole 1v1 scheme, or pull a surprise fit on people (ab dual Some Chill 100mn Vedmak Solo PvP Video Locked post. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! #captainbenzie #EVEEchoes #EVEOnline #newplayerguide #beginners 0:00 Introduction3:33 The Ship6:29 The Fit - Core Garrison16:07 Combat Demonstration[Drekava Basically the tittle. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Filter fits Get link Reset filter Fitting results Sort: Load more fittings. However, there are viable counter-tactics.